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Everything posted by mr_crust

  1. R31Nismoid ..pfft abn! nothing like a little on the side cash until his on his feet then get an abn... if ur starting out why would u get ur assed taxed..sell as much as u can tax free and if its working and making you consist money then get urself an abn, until then cash cash cash
  2. i can see where the blokes coming from because if your doing a home tune u can use the a/f gauge to see how lean/rich the cars running and adjust the safc accordingly. anywho i have no real reason for having the gauge for any legit purpose apart from the cool factor of gauges hehehe
  3. the setup isnt for the wank factor, its to stops defects and cops saying that its illegal to have them on the a piller or above the dash lines. visablity is 100% , with the autometer gauges u can move the bracket up and down, so gauges are on an angle to face the driver..ill take a pic late today from the drivers seat to show what its like
  4. Here are some crappy pics i took, but im sure u get the idea on the bracket i made up, and its all under the dash lines making it legal!!! also it mounts under the dash surround and screws into the same screws as the climate control and head unit, so it comes in and out within minutes
  5. what do u mean Al? of course its legal to write your own contract to a house you own and your renting out. Why wouldnt you be able to add conditions to it, you own it, so you decide what rules you want to create, so long as they agree and sign the lease with these conditions attached, its a legal document.. my folks have a few homes and we have that written on all of them. \also a mate of mine only went through this 3-4 months ago, and he stated on the contract that if they failed to pay within a 4wk period they must leave the premises, and this stood up, and the tenents were evicted. there is no reason you should have to have a property working at a lose and for you to put up with it.
  6. the only thing i can say is , not if but when u get her out, make sure u stipulate on the next contract that the tenents must pay..if they don't pay for a period of 4wks they can be evicted immed....if they want to rent it, the will sign and u wont be in this drama again.. a few ppl i know have done this and touch wood, never had a drama.
  7. give them a friendly 3am visit to sort this out ...ppl say violence solves nothing pffftt. some ppl use the system and innocent ppl get burnt, and in this case what Al thought was a good investment cna backfire due to some junkie...get her for everything shes worth..adn remember if she cant pay the rent how can she pay for a decent lawyer....
  8. cheers Paul for tech help...the gauges are finally all installed and operating...ill post pics as soon as i upload them from my phone
  9. well the way i see it , is if the sensor dies i will at least know..better then ahving a monster tacho when i already have a normal tacho or an oil presure gauge when i have one on the dash..but then again i have a bosot gauge and one on the dash hehe.
  10. its there simply for the wank factor of having gauges lined up, and theres no point having it sitting there and not working , so i wanna wire it up. ive just had a look at the wiring diagrams and there two white ones look like heater wires and the single wire (being black) must be the signal wire. i'll wire them up tonight then and post up the pics
  11. evening all, today i just finished of a custom bracket holder for my gauges (ill post pics soon), so ive relocated my boost gauge and installed an autometre air/fuel ratio gauge. Now both gauges have all lights working, but 1 only have one wire which im not sure on connecting..which wire do i splice into on the oxygen sensor to get the readings. its an r33 gtst, and the oxygen sensor has 1x black wire and 2x white wires...ive narrowed it down to the 2 white wires but which one ? if any could help it would me much appreciated, i just dont wanna have to wait a week to get it done by a mate. cheers
  12. the place is IQ AUTO and its in roxburgh park (melb northern suburbs)
  13. damn:( i just gave them a call and they cannot get purple material and even if i supply it they cannot do it. I will have another look at the colour charts and see what i can get, because now i have to get my dash re done too
  14. thanks for the contact details ill give them a call tomorrow
  15. im definitly intrested and will pay straight up, but i need to know if it comes in purple ...and if you can ever remove seat covers and also do you have to put holes in ur current seat to fit them
  16. when fitting these seat covers, can you ever remove them . by the looks of these pics it seems that u gotta put holes in ur seat to push the ties through to hold it in place, or is it all just done from underneath . also any word if he has purple ?
  17. thanks for the comments, the skirts are veilside combat R. i sourced them from www.fibrecrazy.com.au
  18. A few happy snaps of my R33 The wheels are GMAXX 18" , the front are 8.5 wide (225/40/18), rear 9.5 wide. (265/35/18) i will try and get newer pics over the wkend
  19. no worries mate
  20. ill see what ive got on this wk, but if nothing is on , ill be down there
  21. This is a top idea, once members have the police understanding that SAU can seperate iteself from this 'hoon' image it will make things much easier on the police and members. Things such as the noble park meets, everyone knew about this 2-3wks before it happend. The wk before there were in excess of 400 people down there. If club representatives are willing to give up these details to the police before these incidents occur, to prevent garbage like that happening again and ruining for everyone, maybe when they see the SAU sticker on a skyline, they will think ' ah this guy isnt some yahoo idiot thats going to cause trouble' and it makes life much easier. but then membership has to be obtained and not just anyone can sign up and be a member to get this sticker, and i would be thinking only skyline owners can have them..or someone could go down to a market get 100 copies of the sticker and put them on any car.
  22. should make a meet here for all members not just paid members and get the whole community down for a meet
  23. i'll 2nd couries please, i've dealt with them on many occasions and never had an issue. also grab a quote from http://www.bluestarlogistics.com/ there also a good bunch
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