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Everything posted by qikshift

  1. *cough* recaros feel nicer *cough*, grins at meggala
  2. hehe cool cool, i'm whoring through searching for any1 and everyone who has posted rims for sale and see if any take my fancy lol heheh
  3. true that lol, should be named to drolling ova rims that suit black r32's lol hahahahaha. man i dont know what to get i'm defn going to pick up phats 33 rims on monday.. sell the volks wanna buy em nark? lol ahhahah
  4. lol how about giving us specs on the rims, brand size? pics? mark
  5. aussie delivered means yes cheaper parts then again if u know the right ppl, skyline parts can be just as cheap mark
  6. r32 all the way personal preference
  7. ahhh good stuff nark i already got recaros in mine so im set.. just get them re-trimmed heheh. yeah with out rubber on those p'1s ****ers...... ive msged steve goign to pick up the r33 rims next week to get me through until i buy some others..... might powder coat em white hahahaha. cough spam yes LOL hahha yes thread should be renamed haha. lol
  8. damn 450 a wheel for the p1 white buddy clubs 17x8 all round
  9. hahahah, i got dibs bitch LOL hahahahhaha
  10. haha, nah i'm going to hold off on the cooler for the moment... ive driven phat32.. as i was going to buy it just didn't have ht emoney at the time... it was just a lil bit laggy for me with the 3inch piping i found. might grab the 33 rims off him though so i have something to use while i sell the volks. mark
  11. nark u mofo i wanted steves cooler !!! grrr u can get the dump pipe have u seen it its phat as LOL hehehhe. btw if u do buying it u may want to plumb a stock or after market bov into it... as he wasn't running one.. sure hte cooler sounded crazy but wasn't good for hte turbo mark
  12. car = horn = dorri = SAU cruises = no money ROFL
  13. damn HORN lol.. only a few days to go now.. and i'll have mine woohoo
  14. the r32 gtr carbon bonnet they got fit the gtst?
  15. i think ill go for the buddy clubs... simiple and look crazy in white.. here are the gun metal coloured ones on a 33 http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/at...=&postid=397577 mark
  16. ophhhh damn man that ***n bites!!!! we're in the same boat lol
  17. yeah i did see those white rims on the rb25 r32 awhile ago i think i got more pics of home of it.. he emailed me some a while ago.. hmmm dude... hurry up and get those rims lol wanna c em on ur beast hehe
  18. yeah i love hte look of em... but i'm thinking they might be getting out of my budget... i guess i can see hehehhehe mark
  19. here u go nark.... rims were on teh able to get ti right.. but i guess u get the idea hehehhe
  20. yeah but but but i could always go for the buddy club p1's in white or gold? lol hehhe going to give em a call today or 2morrow and see what teh prices are on those suckers heheh nark i'm going to have a play with ur car and some rims now to kill sum time heheh
  21. NOT HAPPY JAN avs's are sold back to the drawing board lol hehehhehe
  22. lol give me a pic of ur car and the rims and i'll do it... qik qik i finish work in 10mins lol hahaha
  23. and the low one
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