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Everything posted by ali-turko

  1. no to keen on the external setup
  2. thx buddy
  3. hey guys im bout to put new turbos, pfc injectors ect.. i was told it would be a good idea to replace the fuel pump. i will be targeting bout 300kw proble more in the future but all these different models of borch confuse me which one should i go for 040,044
  4. regapping them to .7 may solve the problem iv seen it many time
  5. sorry to bring up and old topic how would a 300zx running 14psi with exhaust compare to my gtr , thats only running 15psi exhaust n pods i'll be hitting the track when i get time to race him, so he finks he will beat me but i kept laughing is it possible for him to beat me?
  6. what dose a map sensor do
  7. i had these on my gtr and u could hear the spooling pretty clear but now i got blitz stainles stell ones which a very loud in my opinion and sound good
  8. cv joints mayb
  9. no dont replace it coz i got the squeal aswell and replaced mine didnt make a difference
  10. ok its gotta be my caliper seal im getting the seal kit from nissan for $60 how hard are these to fit?? i also replace the master cyclinder wihich nuthing changed i read the manual and it didnt look that hard
  11. type m in dandenong, there prices are a bit high but just say iv got a quote from some where else with a cheaper price
  12. yes i think u can u just have to buy a pull type clutch
  13. hey guys iv got a master cylinder for sale, i thought mine shit it self but i was actually the braked booster that was stuffed, i paid $150 so i just want my money back contact me on 04049611596 or pm me
  14. hey guys im after a brake master cylinder for a r32 gtr if u got pm me plz
  15. omg these brakes are pissing me off, just bleed them 3 times and each time a shit load of air came out, but the was no change to my breaks at all, has my master cylinder shit it self?? started with rear left then right, front left then right and the abs unit, what the hell is wrong can some please help me out
  16. nar i got one of those one man bleeder kits which im going to now and the other time i did it was with a mate
  17. thx buddy will give it a go 2morrow
  18. i'll give it ago 2morow but i dont understands how air got in when i didnt undo any of the nipples
  19. do u mean bleed the rears? or change the pads
  20. hey guys a couple of days ago i changed my brake pads to bendex ultimates, after chaging them my pedel was spongy but if i gave it a couple of pumps it would go hard like normal, anyways i tried bleeding the 2 front brakes and the abs unit and the was no air coming out. ov changed the pads before the same way and didnt have a problem. can some please help me
  21. bout 6months ago these were like hot cakes
  22. u better have deep pockets
  23. hey guys yesterday my car was doing funny thing in the hto wheather, i was driving along and all of sudden i would lose power revs would drop and stall it did this bout 4 times, but later at night when it was alot cooler i took it for a drive every thing was fine, also its not over heating everything seems to be working normal, can someone please help me
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