just got home from the tuner in perth. car made 305hp with 21psi boost, an about 2500lbs of torque, will get the graph scanned an video uploaded when i can. talkin to the tuner we're going to put a 7pound spring in the gate and try an control it better with a better boost controller. car ran smoothly with out any big dramas other than having to reduce plug gap more to .7mm and on the way home had my clutch master cylinder shit itself. if i had to do this setup again with the 6boost manifold i think i would start at a 50mm or bigger gate, upgrading from 38 to 44 has seen the spike drop 8pounds already so possibly going bigger would let this drop again, in saying this im in the process off trying to make up my own manifold similar in style to 6boost but made out of high grade stainless with provision for a 60mm TIAL gate in a more better position. we'll see how this turns out.