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Everything posted by MIVEC

  1. So that's where the remote is!!?
  2. Video games aren't the domain of glass wearing, pre-pubescent little boys anymore fellas;)
  3. He meant GTS-T.
  4. Keith, PM your xbox live gamertag so I can play COD4 with you:D
  5. Damn Shell, what happened to your arm?
  6. I got my package price matched at DSE for $98.00 w00t!
  7. ....Finally get that radiator replaced aiy Nik? Remind me not to go that radiator workshop
  8. When it comes to busses I follow the Law of Gross Tonnage.
  9. Were you in that big crowd of people out the front in the afternoon?
  10. You probably wouldn't want to run anymore than 12psi. Would be a bit laggy too.
  11. That would have been me. Did you smell my nice toasty brakes?
  12. I checked out that place in Kingston I mentioned, would be alright, nothing too flash though. In front of the big garage doors at the Old Bus Depot Markets might be better.
  13. I'll drop by round 10ish.
  14. Spotted a two tone S1 in Bonython this morning, gave and got a wave.
  15. Actually the majority of songs in the game are less than 5 years old.
  16. You're truely cursed good sir V_V
  17. Whoever took those pics sucks at taking photos. There wasn't one decent picture in there with just the plane and the car lined up properly.
  18. He's only running 6psi though...
  19. Shell has a 34??
  20. So when do we get to see you in a skimpy skirt + top standing next to your Skyline Mick?
  21. If they're busy why not wait? Wouldn't you rather a quality job that took longer than a rushed average job? Food for thought.
  22. Or....just write their name in MS paint...host the picture on imageshack and post the link here. It's just a random link you know.....^_^
  23. Two skirts are better than one.....
  24. I've got a dent I need fixed, can you please PM me the name of this workshop so that I can avoid. Thanks.
  25. Spotted Steady Eddy's car in Tuggers at about 6.
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