Why though....sure they should help you....but only to a point, still receiving stuff from your parents at like 20 seems a bit retarded to me. Even if you're at Uni (aka student budget) you should still pay for the majority of your stuff, it's part of what University is about - going through low budgets in the hope of graduating to a nice high paying job.
I know I sure as hell wouldn't want my parents working away only to spend all their money on me. It just seems so wrong.
What you might have then is that your kids then grow up expecting to get everything they want when they ask for it. My girlfriend's 5 year old sister gets everything from her parents whenever she wants, she comes up to me and expects me to give her whatever she feels like and then gets a huge shock/chucks a tantrem when I say no.
As for me, I can't say what I'd end up doing as I
A: Don't have kids
B: Can't predict what they'd grow up to be like which would be the ultimate factor in deciding whether or not I'd buy them a car.