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About Boostzor

  • Birthday 30/09/1980

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    Perth Burbs

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  • Real Name
    Shaun C

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  1. Anyone own or know who owns the silver r32 (think it has a skirt kit) on side of mitchell freeway southbound just before reid hwy? It looks like the victim of a sex crime :S
  2. Ban
  3. If you are travelling at 5am id me mildly concerned of not finding an open petrol station. Are you aware of the amount of traffic that uses great southern? Getting 98 octane the whole way down is not a problem. I drove through remote central Australia 5 years ago and could still find it most places and Esperance, as stated before, is hardly remote.
  4. I'm sorry, that song mean't alot to me and I'm sorry If I offended you in any way. I just won't worry about it...

  5. Well they were $1,200 each so no less than that, im waiting on someone else, will let you know by end of day.
  6. I have a pair of tickets that i dont need any more, who wants em? section Q54 Will be in Perth till Friday arvo and then Melbourne CBD.
  7. They are basically saying "we don't know what a good limit for this road is and wouldn't be bothered to find out so do whatever u like" similar to those yellow signs on on and off ramps, they are just serving suggestions.
  8. Yer spicy chicken burger with a side of nangs FTW! The even delivered!! with ciggarettes! can life get better? i submit that it can not.
  9. Rorschach: "None of you understand. I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with me!" (after brutalising some chump in the chow line, Watchmen 2008) Ben: "I tell ya, Joe, there's nothing sadder than a sad Japanese man." (Orgazmo 1997)
  10. Being from Egypt and probably Muslim, id assume that is the norm.
  11. Whoa, he sure showed them.
  12. +2 for Soho Soho in freo! Hungry Spot on walcott in north perth is pretty good for an all night joint. Havent been in a few years though.
  13. I used to use Comma coolant. That was pink.
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