Oh yes!!
So I get up this morning to an invite for lunch in Freo. Now, try to avoid south of river but decided to go down. Hit the E Shed markets up after. Driving out to leave Freo, heading past the docks I spot something... it cant be, can it? IT IS!!
Mad drive home, return with camera, get some snaps. Its hard with the massive fence and cars in the way but I make do. Im waiting for my house to get raided for terror offences after poking a camera into the docks area!.
So anyhow, get to thinking... there can only be a few people in the game with the resources, knowledge and ability to get one of these in so quick. Further investigations reveal that the car in fact belongs to the team at Autowholesale/Fabcar, and I believe it will Steve Jones race car for events such as Targa West 2008, but dont quote me on that.
From what I could see, it is a gorgeous car. Aggressive, so you know it means business, but still stylish with a little class. It is definitely bigger then a 34, but you can still tell it belongs in the GTR family. Either way, I'd kill for one.
The legend is real, and the legend is here. Be afraid, be very afraid.
Note the Commodores with the WA plates... just to confirm its real!
Few fingerprints.... I'm guessing a few people want to know whats under there