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Everything posted by ADDICTED2R34s

  1. yer rb26dett is a VERY NICE MOD!!! 2 bad i getting mine wit it in it alrdy
  2. can r34gtt gear box take the power of a rb26dett if so how long n what if i told u i know of a NA/conversion 2 a rb26dett n i can probly show u in 5weeks from now??
  3. LOL ELECTRONIC BOV SOUND GENERATOR U got 2 be kidding if u got a turbo car and put that in it so wrong so sad i can under stand if u have a honda or volvo.....
  4. um iam pretty shore they dont make tubes for 16-17-18s coz they low profile, could be wrong about 16s but others iam shore off, just get some reall good glue n tank the tyre look 4 where air is comeing out n GLUE it, but i would fix or get new 1 if u wont i can get u these rim most likly.
  5. thanks alot its full stock its all black looks like a 32 n 33 guy told me he reakons "r33gtr"....can u tell from the computer??
  6. so are r34 gtt with a rb26dett is a NO GO??
  7. the car sounds nice, u wont regret buying a r34 once u got one u wont go back to nothing else.
  8. hi i saw a car other night and it has a rb26dett in it iam not shore what its out of how can you get the identification of what it came out of DONE 1000 Searchs found nothing of use any help would be great thanks as iam going 2 buy this car most likely
  9. iam too deciding what to buy xr6t or r34gtt coupe???
  10. yer i cant even see were 2 eidt my galllery like i see now edit my gallery or upload???
  11. well iam sick of coping shit from other people its a club spose to help each other out not bag or put down. thats what i thought a club was but this one donst look like it just like all the other clubs
  12. Admin edit: Unh, yeah. Swearing lots makes lots of friends. Shawing eve1 h0w weel u kan spe3l alsew duz nut he7p. This is why your threads are closed, I suspect... and that's probably where this wun iz g0ing two.
  13. i dont know iam dumb tell me all i know is i posted in wrong place. and i did a Search... found nothing so can you help me out by pasteing link??
  14. if u run a garret GT30 what mods have to be done so it can corse no damge to it??and to the egine??and how come some gt30s have differnt price on the same site is there only 1 gt30 or differnt ones???
  15. hay eve1 this forum probly get closed like all my other 1s ... so what ..which r34s does eve1 like n which one has less problems? and best kits for them??
  16. i couped it in my stock r34 wing b4 i got my gt wing and the cop still gave it 2 me even no i was like ITS STOCK yer S.E cruise would be mad open if other jap cars or any other turbos would be alright
  17. hmm since this not getting del if ppl wont a all skyline cruise just vote and if u dont ..dont vote
  18. yer i know but its 2 far iam trying 2 c if any1 is intested in a local area curise like s.e ect 2 other areas just all skyline just our club... like i said i reaked this post
  19. delete this i ****ed it up sry
  20. should someone organise a cruise open for eve1?? so all us skylines can curise and dont tag alone wit other clubs??
  21. is it a free curz or bs 1 were u got 2 pay??
  22. is it at night in the car park???? what night??
  23. The same night on chaple my car copyed a yellow sticker on it lol,iam 17 man i lernt in dat car 4 2 years n know i wont something bit more quicker till i can handle power well and get a r34gtr in years 2 come i hope btw i wasnt driveing that night my mate was i was just in front seat ,i got diked 4 nothing man the tested how loud my car was by one of the cops ears and my Gt wing could cut some1s hand,head,body ect n my number plate light was blown
  24. whole shit man theres non tubos on there that have no kits look pretty stock going 4 27k!!!
  25. thank you mike will do, iam greek how come?i thk i sell 4 23k no rego??
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