hey guys,
finally got bored enuff to try and figure out how the F*CK this digital display module that was WID the car when i baught it, and supposedly worked, is wired to.. yes the ECU, BUT i dunno what wires are what and if its even sending a turn on signal to the little Unit to turn on... either way, i gave up and giot bored of that...
amp lasted a day after me and Mr_32bigboy did my whole cars install... lol, input overload spikes all over the shop due to a faulty input capacitor inside the amp [this is straiigght out of box] so now i haev to pay to send it to gold coast... and they send me a newie :DDD yay for me
ok 3rd topic...
I was sick of when i let go of the accelerator, she of course decellerates and when it gets near to where shes supposed to stop and idle... she dies 100-300 rpm then bounces back again...
Blitz DD BOV kit taht i got [too much money i swear but iw as lazy ]... gave the funnel [typical wahchoo] and a SUS filter [finally think i may know what its for *shrug* or still have no clue, but its stopped the idling from dropping when i let go of accelerator so she doesn't haev a whinge no more, taking her for a test drive to pick the girlfriend up soon and we shall soon find out...
all it does is blocks a very small slither venting piece at the bottom of the BOV mouth, and directs the airflow sideways not straight out wehre ever it wants... *smiles* hopefully someone will explain as to what the SUS Filter is for truely, until then im keepin the bastard on, too lazy to change it back ehheeh