Hey Everyone,
BIG congratulations to Maria Ferrigno who placed 2nd in last nights game, the 1st APL game in Adelaide. Maria was an absolute star!
FREE POKER is on again tonight at a number of different venues in Adelaide. Remember that it doesn't cost you a cent!
This is new for Adelaide, and has been in the other states for over 2 yrs now.. Its so much fun, you don't pay to play, you play for fun!!
Prizes up for grabs, venue vouchers, Cash prizes for this week only
Next game is tonight at the Dog & Duck, Hindley street in the city. REGO time starts @ 6pm game begins at 7pm.
The whole theme is play for fun, so those of you that have never played don't be scared its not serious stuff.. Come along and give it a go..
A couple of photos from last night are attached below. Check them out..
Check out the website for details on "where to play"