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Everything posted by Kwyjibo

  1. Yeh I went to it after meeting up and cruising with the R31SkylineClub boys it was great fun. Too bad I had to leave early.
  2. Yeh its the M5 following RS4. There are a fair few vids of this guy on www.tremek.com, he goes by the name M5RUS or something I think. It is so frustrating reading the comments. "I can't believe he got smoked by a Civic hatchback", "stupid americans", "bloody ricers racing there 4 cylinders cars with big exhausts everywhere". I agree what they are doing is extremely selfish to other drivers but people should at least get their facts straight.
  3. Eh that sucks I really should come read here more often. I finally would have been able to make a cruise...
  4. Sounds pretty nice but I reckon running costs would be just as high as the Skyline... I really don't know much about Porsches except for that they cost a fair bit for parts and servicing. I'd prefer the Porsche over the VL but you really can't go wrong with the RB30E thats in them, my 31 is 16 years old with the RB30 and the only problem I've had was losing 3rd and 4th yesterday....
  5. Thanks for all the replies guys I'll start talking to a few of you in a day or two when I've worked out whats going. An entourage of Skyline's sounds awesome but most of my friends have already found rides(I was a bit late because I didn't think I was going). I'm VERY interested in The Blue R34 VSPEC, and the StageA would certainly be different. Just have to make sure my girl agrees:s
  6. I have a formal on the 25th of November and I'm wondering if any GTR's might wanna drive me there. I'm willing to even pay a bit if you want, just give me a PM or post here if your interested. Thanks a heap, Adrian
  7. I have to say it looks really smooth for a 31, what have you done to the engine? Yeh the RX-7 was nice and looks even better in motion, trying to catch it up to honeysuckle:)
  8. There were 3 Elusive motorsports cars, sorry for saying your car was a 33:) I only saw it for a split second coz I had to get some food.... So was the black 31 JohnnyR31's?
  9. ok I went out, we had no idea how to get there and made it at 25 past 12. We had a nice 31 and 2 33's I think, a nice RX-7, an old mx-5, 626, prelude and pulsar. The roads are really nice out there. Too bad i was the only Skyline who actually went on the cruise, where did the 3 others go?
  10. Mmmm I think I'll come for once, my car is pretty embaressing though, in bad shape even for a 31:/
  11. Oh sorry, I probaby should have searched.
  12. Was looking through the AusRotary forums and found a link to this, I thought it was pretty amazing and relatively Japan related so I thought I'd post it here. http://forums.vwvortex.com/zerothread?id=1...=1364258&page=1
  13. Heh I own a white R31 you had me a bit worried there till I actually read the story :Oops: (Haven't headed out that way from Evatt for a few weeks). I agree there are a lot of dickheads around driving Skyline's but you can say thats true for every car. But I have to say its especially annoying coming from your type of car, I've seen a few booner R31's and it always makes me feel like we could be stereotyped like that.
  14. I might come but not sure if I'll have the time. Would be good to see some of the nice cars you guys have. Where would you be "cruising" too after you meet?
  15. Oh my parents would be paying for 3rd party, There is no way I would go with no insurance, don't wanna risk hitting a Merc or something as much as I might be thinking "I'm never going to be at fault for an accident anyway".
  16. Ummm, I'm not quite sure I'm not too familiar with anything before the 32's. Thanks for the link looks like plenty of people in the know over there.
  17. lol, I'll have about $3500 to spend, I won't be paying insurance so that doesn't matter. I think a R34 might just be a little out of my price range
  18. Hey guys in the next few months I'm going to buy my first car and I've always been hooked on Skyline's. At first I was thinking of getting an older Celica or something smaller but now I've decided I'll probably by an older Skyline, I still like the looks and they've got decent power in them. I saw a nice one in the paper today (Canberra), a Silhoutte, lowered, mags ect for $3000 and it appears to be in nice condition, probably been strapped a fair bit though. Too bad I don't have the money just yet. Just wondering what you think is a good price and what model I should get, I've been driving a 99 Magna around so I know whats its like to have a little bit of power, though its FWD.
  19. Had the same trouble on the Great Ocean Rd, first was playing it safe and just cruising, sometimes catching up to cars and occasionally pulling over to let someone overtake. But further up we were stuck behind some bastard in an old Kingswood, fair enough they go slow but we went through about 5 "turn-out" points and even through a town with about 4 people stuck behind him and he wouldn't budge. Could finally overtake him after awhile though.
  20. Mmmm I kind of getting sick of this "rice-hater" bandwagon everyone seems to be jumping onto(I did too). Now I'm starting to realise that maybe people just want their car to look nice. Who cares if a car isn't fast, if it looks fast, and thats what the owner wants then so be it. If it feels good that you can smoke em at the lights then so be it, its up to personal opnion. While I agree that a 2 foot wing, stickers and neons on a car might be laughable, its up to the owner, its just like in art everyone has different opinions. BOV are just like this, if you think its impressive then buy it. Personally I would love to drive around in a car that vents everytime I change gear, it turns heads.
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