What do you need english for?
There are 6 click-able images - all leading to .avi files...
What's left to figure out? Besides that the 6th image
that says "Gästbok/Guestbook" leads to the Guestbook
Anyway - here are some translations for the needy ;P
[email protected]
Illegal Streetracing in the outskirts of Stockholm.
A custom Porsche with 500+ HP and a 600-1000HP Supra
among others race at this event. Worth noting is that the
Supra wasn't running racefuel, and worn 225's.
[email protected]
This movie depicts the process of about a thousand or more
cars cruising in and through central stockholm. Causing major
trafficdisturbance and a lot of nice burnouts on the streets of
central stockholm. This was a protest for not letting "us" race
one of the few legal races - Blackrace. Politics pulled the cert.
and people got pissed.
[email protected]
Birka Cup #3. Birka Cup is a illegal streetracing tournament
which consists of 5 races. This is race 3. Race 1 & 2, I was
unable to film, as I was cruising around your lovely country =)
This film features among others, a Volvo PV with 800+ HP and
250 HP NOS, a 66' Blower, a 57' Chevy and a ~700 HP LeMans.
This is illegal streetracing in central parts of Stockholm at its best.
Race #4 video is upcoming. And the #5 race is coming...
[email protected]
This is my first dragstrip footage, ever. This strip is now closed
down due to politics wiping their asses with it. Its to be issued to
reopen, hopefully. Tullinge dragstrip is one of the reasons there
was a large protest cruise through Stockholm (see above).
[email protected]
Just a big gathering of nice cars, my first movie to be released.
[email protected]
Fast cars and furious Sound... A seemingly large car exibition.
Wasn't as big as it seems in the movie, but I enjoyed it. Hope
you will too.
That's it. Now get cracking and DOWNLOAD 'em! Oh, and plz leave
something that resembles a note in my GUESTBOOK!