Just because the stock style pressed impellers work "O.K." doesn't mean they can't be improved on. The L series pumps used cast impellers with shaped vanes, and they still cavitate like crazy under high RPM. I would have thought the RB was a sorted design, but most of race motors seem to be running de-aeration tanks... The N1 pump being 'low flow' also indicates a cavitation problem with the stock pump. So - it's good insurance... but a bit expensive.
In my case, everything is fine until the rad has to work hard, then all of a sudden it takes a 10 degree jump in water temp. It also pump about a litre of water into the catch tank, even though the water temp only hits around 85c to 90c, so I'm thinking cavitation... and the pump is original, and wasn't run with coolant for a period of time.