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Everything posted by 25GTT

  1. Finished both of these, both great games but Dragon Age goes forever! Plus i had to lower the settings to easy at certain stages as they were bl**dy hard. Both games now have expansions. Borderlands has an expansion called Dr Neds zombie island or something, still the same funny action packed style of game.
  2. yep removed and installed flash umpteen amount of times. no steam etc. going to remove the vid card as mentioned, if no luck this bad boy gets a wipe, win 7 and a 64GB SSD. if i have the dough might even go new MBoard and i5 setup.
  3. Nismoid - Awesome mate, was going to do it this morning but am now at work, am going to do it now friday night step by step as you mention. Might just check my gigabyte board specs as well to see if i have another PCI slot. Div - ok i am sure it was catalyst 10.6, i only re updated it about 2 weeks ago so its the newest version, as the older version was doing the exact same thing. When i OC'd i remember you guys saying to make sure the pcie clock stays at 100 so i set it at that but will double check everything. OK just noticed there is now a 10.7 so donwloading now Boz - its not overheating at all, it only restarts when a youtube (flv file i think they are) is played its just weird, i have had the 5870 now for about 3 - 4 months, didnt have a prob until the new flash player was installed. THanks again guys for your help, will let you know how i go with all of this on Friday night
  4. No Sh*t, i must say your assistance from all of you guys is unbelievable, awesome work you loT! saves me a call to India thats for sure :-) Ok tomorrow morning will pull out the gfx card, try different pci slot, uninstall drivers on gfx and try again.
  5. Ok can anyone help? this is the error i am getting...... Product Windows Problem Video hardware error Date 26/07/2010 12:40 PM Status Not Reported Description A problem with your video hardware caused Windows to stop working correctly. Problem signature Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent OS Version: 6.0.6002. Locale ID: 3081 Files that help describe the problem WD-20100726-1238.dmp sysdata.xml Version.txt Extra information about the problem BCCode: 117 BCP1: 873ED510 BCP2: 8C9265E6 BCP3: 00000000 BCP4: 00000000 OS Version: 6_0_6002 Service Pack: 3_0 Product: 768_1
  6. Nah it has been OC'd for close2 years now. Its a dual core e8400 running at just 3.3ghz on an aftermarket cooler, its barely even pushing the envelope. All temp settings are fine. It only BSODs on me when watching you tube, or any movie file directly from the net. i think there is a clash somewhere between flash player 10.1, catlyst control centre and maybe even g19 gaming keyboard.
  7. Hi Guys, with all my BSOD issues with the latest Flash Player i am looking at wiping everything off going to Win 7 and starting again. In doing so will i lose my OCing settings in Bios?
  8. Have updated to latest flash and latest catalyst, eveything has been updated. uninstalled then updated again. What i did find interesting though is, i used Google chrome that utilises HTML 5 and not flash, went to you tube and guess what..... BSOD!! Arrrgh! dont know what the hell is happening but all i know is that i might have to complete a full wipe of the HDD's and start again :-(
  9. did ya manage to take a few happy snaps then? was it anything like Tokyo auto salon...... can imagine a MTB with 50 gears, gold blinged chain, blow off valve on the brake lever......
  10. My wife would LOVE that bike!!
  11. your heart rate slowing down would be due to your body getting a nicotine fix, plus the fact you arent moving when smoking (assuming that as you might still be riding when smoking??) the nicotine would remove the anxiety effects symptomised with nicotine withdrawals therefore relaxing your nervous system and assisting with lowering heart rate, blod rpessure. Of course 30 - 40 minutes later, if you are an excessive smoker, your blood pressure and heart rate would more than likely by higher than a typical person resting heart rate and blood pressure. 5 main symptoms of high bllod pressure that i see is: Diet Smoking Drinking Genetics Lack of excerise Hope that all makes sense.... Worst time to be smoking is directly after excercise, your body is absorbing everything thrown at it! hence why protein intake is recommended 15 - 20 minutes after excerise, protein isolates mainly. In having a cigerette your body would be absorbing the chemicals extremely quickly.
  12. ahhahaah Dan your a mean mean man. i recon in summer time i am up for an after work ride along coast if you boys are keen, this also gives me a few months to get my bike legs sorted :-)
  13. Dan - head down to an Anaconda store if you can, they have half price sale on right now, i am sure i saw some very similar ones to these going for pretty cheap! #perthfags - i cant, i have an mtb and cant keep up with you road boys..... In summer though would be nice to do a coast ride with yas after work!
  14. nice work om the ebay pick up, might need to have a look through there and see what nice giant MTB's i can grab on the cheap! Mad, for MTB Apollo or Giant? i know Giant has a much better resale but say a $1500 apollo against a $1500 giant which one.... i still do this day drool over your TAOS C that you got sometime ago and cannot find a carbon GIANT anywhere near the cost of what they are worth. I am thinking its the age old whats better a $50,000 skyline or a $50,000 porchse, the purist would say the porsche the performance rider would say the apollo...... As it gets closer to xmas it gets closer to me buying my next bike, my apollo summit has lasted me a good 3 months so far, and i am now riding to work and back once to twice a week (38 Kms there and back :-) ) P.S. dan your slow lazy 17kms on your on roader, is close to my average top speed, i try to sit at 22 for most of the way.... you on roaders smash me when on the foot paths but lake joondalup has a nice 2km run of limestone that i get the last laugh on :-)
  15. OK so i can myself some bike shoes and cleats for my birthday F^&k these things are hard to clip in and out. I finally loosened the cleat and my shoes fit in on my right foot. So i put my bike stand down, place my right foot in.... sweet...... i then managed to put my left foot in...... sweet........ felt my wait shifting to the left....... how do i unclip???!!! then..... BANG! i landed sideways on the bloody ground and bent my stand! I must have looked like the biggest d*ck! i think i need to practice getting my feet in and out more before i even get out of my garage! all the hassle these things are giving me they better be worth it!
  16. i think ruddy loved him, as he was the man who organised the Telstra NBN deal after previous failures with the old Telstra CEO. certainly is a clown though!
  17. OK techie guys need ya help! So just went from catalysrt 10.3 where i would get the BSOD whenever watching a flash video or you tube clip! it would restart after BSOD. So i have now upgraded to catalsyt 10.6......... and .... still BSOD! I have removed then reinstalled flash 10.1 with still no luck. BUT i have also tried hunting down older versions of 10.1 with no luck, i DO find an older version and it says to "Click here to download flashplayer 9" but when i do it still defaults to re downloading 10.1 and surely enough installs as 10.1! Anybody have any other ideas? I have googled and it seems a few others have had problems with no success, another answer was when the flash vid comes up to right click on the flash vid and select "disable hardware accelerator" sounds like a great idea but too bad my PC crashes before i can even click on a vid! HEEEELP!!
  18. just checked mad, there s no Taos C's in there so you should be ok :-) No Giants there either. I guess the issue is you pay thousands of dollars more for carbon, yet it still appears quite brittle, sure its a great weight reduction but at a large cost. Dont get me wrong i would LOVE a carbon MTB but i would cry if that stuff happened to it!
  19. http://www.bustedcarbon.com/
  20. yeah finsihed it and now am playing the add on. I really really liked it and enjoyed the humour in it. BUT it is hard to go back to it after now starting COD 5, less story more amazing effects and reality, i will play it again but i will have to finish COD first.
  21. Hey Eps, prob headin out again in about 3 - 4 weeks. Its my bday this weekend so prob few weekends after that. Goat farm was hard as hell but was fun, My mate said there is another good track which is a bit longer but easier to ride on but much further away. I think he may have said out near mundairing. I have sold the Skyline (SLY 33) sometime ago and have a 4wd (Ford Escape) which is perfecrt for carting a couple of bikes around so will definately keep ya in the loop mate, i think for now i would be a bit of a burden rather than a funcycling partner until i get a but more stable and stronger in the legs, have been training in the gyms for 12 - 13years and appears as though i have become a bit to umm "Top heay" is a nice way to put it. I am enjoying my bike riding too much and has started to become more of a focus than the gyms ( I manage 3 leisure centres so it might technically be a conflict of interest :-) ) will keep you in the loop when i head off on the next adventure, might even see if Dan the Man is up for it, has been a long time between drinks for Dan and I :-)
  22. i like games where you buy and sell shit to help you progress, also level ups to get different things also ensure game play is addictive as the user wants to keep playing to level up to unlock items, specialties etc.
  23. Might have a look to see if they do anything like this in WA! I went to a proper mountain biking track last weekend called "Goat Farm" was amazing, covered about 2 kilometres in an hour! no pavement, no grass just rocks everywhere! nearly stacked it a couple of times but just managed to stay on, was entertaining for me and my $500 bike and being a complete Newb going past other newbs with there $1500 giants etc! i got a flat though right near the end so they had the last laugh! If you do go mad82 any chance you could take some pics?
  24. yeah i think i might have to go back on the catalyst driver, have googled heaps of sites, the exe name even says an older version of flash but when it installs it defaults to 10.1 every time?? Yeah will go back on catalyst. I remember though there was a huge performance increase in the newest version of catalyst drivers, full article was on Toms Hardware, which is why i didnt want to go back on it. Will have to bite the bullet Nismoid unless if anyone else has any options?
  25. Hey Gang, So basically adobe flash updated to version 10.1 on friday/saturday i think it was, go to watch a you tube vid on Sunday and Blue Screen then restart! Arrrggh! googled the issue and it appears it has happened to others, might be an issue with the latest release and running catylyst 10.3 Sooo i uninstall flash player 10.1 using adobes uninstall tool, then try to install a previous version of flash, but each time i try to install it, it defaults to 10.1 of flash again and surely enough it crashes. By any chance do any of you guys have an older version of adobe flash exe? or is there something i am not doing right! I finally 2 months ago got broadband, so one of my simple pleasures thus far has been you tube....... not any more and i cant be bothered waiting for all that time of a new version of flash to come out again!
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