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Everything posted by mAtTYb-R33

  1. how does the screamer pipe work? will it bolt on to standard turbo on S1 r33?? and how does it work (VERY INTERESTED) also in the pods aswel thanks.
  2. $80 for indicators neg, pm me
  3. will they bolt into GtsT r33 eg will the rails be sweet.
  4. do u have the boot badge/lock, passenger door sil and the A piller plastic drivers side?
  5. pasenger door sill do u have that?
  6. also the pasenget door sill do u have that?
  7. hmmmm, i think ill have to sell my boat
  8. do you have the rear badge/boot lock?
  9. i had that ita a screw or something they need to adjust or lube up and its fixed also idle adjusted up a bit (mine was on 575rpm)
  10. wanted passenger door sill, the passenger side floor sectiondown to the left of the passenger seat where the door seals to. thanx, any help message me
  11. can u send pictures to mattbarbin@hotmail.com, very interested
  12. im 6 foot my dad is 6 foot 3 (body shape: not long lanky legs so from ass up height is fairly big) my dad fits in my car but only just i have a sunroof in my car mabye its that but it depends on ass up height not over all height unless u stand on your seat and drive.
  13. i bought my car 1995 r33 and all i knew was that its turbo it has from what i know a m-type kit (side skirts and front bar) and the wing i havent seen b4 on a skyline but it is like the series 2 square wings but it is a little higher and not as square. im confused bout this thread and just want to know whats the differences between r33 series 1 models mabie some links will help thanx
  14. i like what you have done to your car all the ricey bits but in moderation. also take off your speaker cover in the doors and spray that aswell it looks awsome. i havent painted the bits you have in my car yet but i was thinking of doing it all in a glossy black or a charcol colour something like that but not too bright (mabie paint the sterio and dash bits in a gloss black) p.s nice work on ya car
  15. i just took out the bracket all together and extended the wires to the batery and im in the process of making a batery box and mounting the batery on the left hand side of the boot but closer to the jack and off that shit ledge thing.
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