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Everything posted by henzie

  1. hahahahahah >.
  2. HEctic I am In For Sure Woot WooT =]
  3. yeh anything i am up for it =]
  4. i dont mind at least we go somwhere lolz! if go go early or no parking at cripsy cream Lolz! =]
  5. nices curzie people...hoping another one will come up soon =]
  6. yupyup =] cheers* gonna be a hectic nite tonite =]
  8. hey people just asking ....can u reset a stock r33 gtst series 2 ecu? cheers*
  9. hey wat if it rain this sat? is it still going to be on?
  10. lolz hectic neons on the front mount =] Blue Rulez Over GreEn EHEHEHEHE ^.^
  11. HEnzie Power ^.^
  12. nices cya u people dere cHeers* =]
  13. Whos HAs NEon LigHts IN SIDe OR OuTSide THere SkYLine ? BLue NeoN LiGHts RulEZ =]
  14. helLl yeh =] Cheers *
  15. hey wats nasho run ????????????????????????
  16. hey where we cruzing tooooo?
  17. hahahahaha =]
  18. thank you people for the advices i will give them a call twmor and seee ......money is no problem =] cheers people =] ^.^
  19. thank you people for ur help =] cheer*
  20. yeh i just went get it checked nuffffin wronng wif my cat bak and car ..the dude just said that its the fuel compestion i think i neeed a power fc ecu! how much do they cost??? too much petrol going though makes the car backfire and skyline stock ecu dectects all diffrent signals thats why i think the stock one cant handle it =/ NEed A power fc ecu ! any one know how much it cost? and where to buy it from?
  21. i pour pemi petrol and the car is stock it only has a hks ari fitler b.o.v and a cat bak extuast 3inch from tubo and 4inch at the bak ...and it back fires orange red kinda colour from the extust!
  22. hello my skyline r33 series 2 ..when i red line the car at the lights from gear 1 to 2 it back fires and orange fire comes out of the extaust ......how come it dose that? .....is there somthing wronng wif my car?
  23. dude sorrry hear about it , hope u find ur car bak AsAp....its would be very help full if you get a streaing pad lock .
  24. you Ecu Computer has blown get it fixed or buy a new one =] i had that problem before !
  25. so where are we cruzing tooooo? ta! =]
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