I got a story!! I was going down victoria rd in my 31. This kunt in a silver vectra who has his wife and his kid with him, went from the left lane to the right lane (the left lane ends many times on victoria rd) three times in a row. I then decided to go around the annoying f**ker and got in the right lane as i got closer, he moves into the right lane when the left lane disappears. This tool had no idea which lane to keep his shitbox in. He was as confused has a gay man in a room full arse holes.
I didn't have a horn (as the few that have been in the car whilst im driving, know i'm very "horny" (i like using the horn) in the car), so i flashed him, went next to him and told him off. You know what he did? He starts swearing at me like i was in the wrong.. WTF. His wife and kid looked worried.. f**k, if they weren't there......
Who the f**k gives these motherf**kers their license? f**king clueless kunts.