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  1. you're not wrong about the flooded part. the push is for you new grads to go out to rural areas. i know a fair few pharmies (one of them is me lady), all working around the place. how willing are you to work in rural areas? If you want, we can take this conversation off-line and i might be able to help you (pm me).
  2. are you talking about your student placements? or are you talking about your pre-reg? which side of town are you on? why dont you drop your resume in at your local pharmacy? p.s. im not a pharmacist, but may be able to help you out.
  3. arbess

    Closing Down?

    Yeh there is some development going on just near the Xcars shop, where the old holden dealer was. Other than that the ford lot was empty when i passed this morning (and is has been for awhile). if they put apartments there, that will be epic traffic chaos, like wynnum rd at east brisbane, fully hectic!
  4. Been awhile since I've been on here, but... Anyone drive the Moorooka Mile and notice that Autoshop has nearly no cars and a sign saying the property is for sale?? They had nice looking cars, with a nice price tags to go with it. What a shame, maybe the import (jdm cars) are feeling the pinch or a lack of interest in sweet rides.
  5. http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/cbd-street-remains-closed-after-sink-hole-opens-20110207-1ak3n.html So why weren't you pulling a handbrake around the sink hole today?! Pretty sure this is a member's car - girl?
  6. ^^^ what he said!
  7. In my honest opinion, if I was a shareholder for a company that spoke/wrote to customers in that fashion, I would pull all my shares out and recommend the same to others. It is not okay to call someone a "dickhead" if your trying to defend your business, no matter how dire the situation is. In all honesty, the owner could have handled that much better than he did and could have actually turned that weakness into an opportunity. "Come down see my cars, I really do have top customer service and I'm sorry for ignoring you the first time." However, as we all saw this was far from what was his mind. Furthermore, the employee is stepping far outside his job description and responsibilities. If I was boss, I would have him sacked and tell the rest of the industry what an ignorant and arrogant person he is. I've dealt with Dom (ajm_motorsport) before. I suppose in the instance that I associated with him he was good, at the time the cars looked pretty sweet (and im a picky prick). Though after reading his words and his employees, I am disappointed that a unique business such as this had to ruin the reputation they had. In reality it showed what was behind the cracks and only really proved suspicions a reader might have had with the business. Funny thing though, I have a feeling there was another dealer commenting on that thread to which he/she would be laughing all the way home as now AJM may now not be considered to some as a real contender. Oh well, each to their own, I hope that thread was enough for AJM to start thinking about the general consensus of the business being run. my $0.02. aB
  8. arbess

    Gabnr Gone

    Mattee welcome to the 2 wheels world of things.... Don't worry mate, you were not the only one to leave the GTR scene for similar reasons! Bunta-Q i can tell you that 2 years ago when i first saw this car, the owner was a pussy! =D This keeps his car true in the condition you bought it. Anyways hojak if you ever want to go for a ride PM me i have a 675 and plenty of torque. bb
  9. arbess


    lol. thats all i have to say to that claim. So are you saying that after WOW installed your sound system, the car THEN went funky? Can you give some advice as to how the events unfolded in chronological order? I remember I had to adjust my idle thingy on the rb26 and all i can say is DONT take it off because it is a broad minded person to get back in. If you adjust it with a screwdriver, it may work for you, though I don't know if that is just a bandaid solution - still masking the original problem. Jonnyo's postulation seems quite logical, if you dont have access to a multimeter - id give that a go first, since it is a non-invasive procedure. Otherwise, good luck.
  10. Brisbane Reason for Selling: Moving to motorbike Asking Price: $22500 Contact Info: 0402 565 791 This is a tidy, well looked after RX-8 that needs to go to a good home. I am months away from upgrading my motorbike and would like to make space for it. I have owned this for around 18 months now and it only gets driven once a fortnight. Since owning it I have only added approximately 20,000 km on it. It is serviced every 6 months at Mazda Taringa. I have had Mazda upgrade the computer flash to the RX-8 2009 settings, so you will find this RX-8 drives better that most other 2004 models. I am a conscious car owner and I look after this like it's an obsession. The suspension has been upgraded to Koni Yellows with King Springs - which give a more responsive feel to the driver. Worth quite a lot installed. The tyres are less than a year old with about 5000km from new. I am happy to take reasonable offers. Plates are not included. Joy riders need not apply. Pictures here: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Fs...-8-t328547.html
  11. Brisbane Reason for Selling: Moving to motorbike Asking Price: $22500 Contact Info: 0402 565 791 This is a tidy, well looked after RX-8 that needs to go to a good home. I am months away from upgrading my motorbike and would like to make space for it. I have owned this for around 18 months now and it only gets driven once a fortnight. Since owning it I have only added approximately 20,000 km on it. It is serviced every 6 months at Mazda Taringa. I have had Mazda upgrade the computer flash to the RX-8 2009 settings, so you will find this RX-8 drives better that most other 2004 models. I am a conscious car owner and I look after this like it's an obsession. The suspension has been upgraded to Koni Yellows with King Springs - which give a more responsive feel to the driver. Worth quite a lot installed. The tyres are less than a year old with about 5000km from new. I am happy to take reasonable offers. Plates are not included. Joy riders need not apply.
  12. even easier - just look for the asian dude who looks like he is ALWAYS angry.
  13. yeh he's been rippin people off for awhile. there was one guy who got the upper hand by "abducting" (for the better word) Steven and going to steven's place for the wheels. Nothing further came of it, but im sure Steven could be tracked down again.
  14. Wow I cant believe this thread is still alive.... it's full of personal attacks. I just read Page 51 - interesting. I think, if my memory serves me correct, I posted here back in the pages before 20. In the last page there has been some good comments on both the rotor and piston engines. both have their strengths and weaknesses. I suppose I'm allowed to comment (haha) because I was lucky enough to own both RB26 and 13B. I personally enjoy the RX setup. This is, I am pleased with the performance of the car versus it's weight. More so, the suspension on my RX-8 is setup so well for QLD roads. The useable power was well matched to the average daily driver. I enjoyed the GT-R but there was too much power for the road - even as stock standard. The package was good, but the RX-8 was still better, though it sure had me hooked as a driver. Engine wise for both, like others have said, as long as your maintain the engine accordingly, they are BOTH FKING GREAT ENGINES! Yes sure the 13B needs a little more attention and knowledge to keep it turning around happily, but thats not a downside to the engines capability. The only thing I have found to SUCK in rotors is the lack of torque, which I believe will be increased in the next installment, 16X. For the engineers out there, Moments = Force x eccentric distance. This is somewhat the basics of piston engine, which makes work "easier". Whereas rotaries, hmmm... hard to explain. Where I'm getting to, rotors have such a unique way of operating and in my opinion, makes it that much more special to drive. -im not a mech eng (a different type of eng). So for all the haters out there, try and think of the amount of work that went into creating both these mechanical marvels - could you do it? If you think your need education to comment, think again, this is an open forum. The only thing you need to comment here is a bit of self control and some discretion. Personal attacks is not answering this AGE old thread, but rather filling up the gap in your day for typing it (trollllllller). lol For the record, I would again buy a GT-R or an RX as they have proven to be cars that: 1. Look good 2. Go fast 3. Can turn 4. have the X-Factor. -No more fighting boys and girls - my balls are the biggest in the world, end of story.
  15. okay cool. just keep it under the speed limit and "if you drink and drive, your a bloody idiot". Oh and just so you can keep your cool, refer to my recent thread of speed cameras on the QLD section, just as a suggestion for next time you would like to be a good Samaritan, the way I know you originally intended. <-- In other words I think you did a top job in providing the information but admitting that speeding is okay - not cool. =) Ciao
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