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Everything posted by arbess

  1. mark, have you got the passenger and driver floor mat? does it have the same shape for the GTR?
  2. jyoji, msn me, i might have a set of them...
  3. LOL @ above! Good luck have fun, hope Sydney is big enough to fit in your shoes, if its not then you know where you can go... darwin :PBJ: Too bad we never met but im sure i would of said the same thing to every girl that drives a skyline "nice rack.. i mean car" just kidding. love right back at ya! -Arbess
  4. how much and where. i want to use 10-40 or 10-60
  5. arbess

    Bike Bits

    my dad used to be a motor rewinder. i can ask for you and find some suggested places. i have no idea on price. pm later if you still want to know. cya
  6. hey, i think the mods are going to move this post to the automotive section. to answer your question, i got mine from nissan, cost me a fortune but everything fit right. you could try justjap.com for aftermarket i hate to say it, Pedders, i found they like to dick you around. thats about it from me
  7. i dont know about not not aftermarketing a ferrari. i would put race wheels on them, like a GTR recieves LMGT4 wheels. then again, a ferrari? there are much more exotic euro cars i would pick.
  8. arbess


    hey Name: Arbess Location: Algester Car: White 32 gtr Msn: [email protected] Myspace: www.myspace.com/arbess Always up to meeting people around my area. I might ignore you when you drive by in your skyline, but thats because im a shy-guy :PBJ: See you on the road, or not.
  9. The reaping! lol just kidding
  10. ill keep an eye out. your car looks really nice in its stock condition.
  11. dude, j'detest you. hehe i wish i had read this earlier
  12. ahaha.... Where is the Blunder Rd one? I dont know of any ghost areas there? maybe someone just got SPOOFED upon one night.
  13. arbess


  14. I am desperately chasing a Clutch booster for r32 GTR in good condition. it can be attached with the master cylinder or not. also need a rear view mirror from any r32. thanks dudes and dudettes.
  15. arbess


    Name: Arbess Location: Asian Central Car: R32 GTR Msn: [email protected]
  16. Pm'ed
  17. Has anyone had experience with having an offset of +15mm on their GTR?
  18. not sure dude, but ill keep you in mind.
  19. im in brisbane. thanks dudes
  20. anyone have a spare they want to sell or know of a spare?
  21. thats the option i would do, if my gtr wasnt eating my $90 is petrol
  22. arbess

    Rb26 Ftw

    why do they sell it they at supercheap? and the package advertises it as towing cars? whats your evidence? :sorcerer:
  23. suggestions please im in the southside.
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