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Everything posted by arbess

  1. that rexnet thread was brilliant if you read all 26 pages of it... they ended up finding him both the Po-po and one of the members. there is a link in the rexnet thread that goes to Boostcruising that states Stephen22 got jipped by his own trick... sucker. I got my vigilante hat on, I also have my pitch fork in the one hand and the whiskey in the other. =D ...
  2. ouch dude - gonna be a long 12 months. in the most nicest way possible, hope you learned a lesson
  3. Good for you mate! don't listen to what others say about how dangerous bikes are - ride for yourself and yourself only! well i got my motorbike P's last year and had less EXP than you, like next to nothing... i did one day and got my licence. you will be fine as long as you listen to the instructor. If your going to Rocklea Pro Honda, you will most likely get Trent - hes a really top guy! good luck and dont stress, shit your pants before you go because you wont have time to shit whilst on the bike!
  4. --continuing from my last post.... I won in fighting my ticket by writing a letter to the Officer in Command. Hope that gives you some confidence.
  5. arbess

    Eoi : Coffee Meet

    I can cut your grass on my way to work if you want? hahaa
  6. arbess

    Eoi : Coffee Meet

    nissans suck LOL =P ....wap wap wap wap wap
  7. Well you have a slim chance of getting out of this one - it will depend how good of a person you are and how well you can write. Under the Transport Operations (Road Use Management - Road Rules) Regulation 2009: Setion 57, Point 1 57 Stopping for a yellow traffic light or arrow (1) A driver who is approaching, or at, traffic lights showing a yellow traffic light— (a) must stop— (i) if there is a stop line at or near the traffic lights and the driver can stop safely before reaching the stop line—as near as practicable to, and before reaching, the stop line; or (ii) if there is no stop line at or near the traffic lights and the driver can stop safely before reaching the traffic lights—as near as practicable to, and before reaching, the nearest traffic lights; or (iii) if the traffic lights are at an intersection and the driver can not stop safely under subparagraph (i) or (ii), but can stop safely before entering the intersection—before entering the intersection; and (b) must not proceed until the traffic lights— (i) change to green or flashing yellow; or (ii) show no traffic light. Maximum penalty—20 penalty units. Basically if you can logically prove in your writing to the Officer in Command of the Station who issued you the ticket that stopping was not a safe option then you may have a slim chance in getting out of your ticket. In your letter to the Officer in Command you should state the legislation and what is applicable to you and how it was not a safe option to stop because: a) doing so may cause the vehicle behind you to crash into you due to their close travelling distance; b) it would cause you to create unnecessary noise from your tyres; and c) you would stop on a pedestrian crossing obstructing their way. I would then say in reference to: a) From your observation and your opinion, the vehicle behind you (being the undercover police car) was violating Section 126 of the Transport Operations (Road Use Management - Road Rules) Regulation 2009, where they were travelling at an unsafe distance from your car, contributing to the split second decision of continuing through the yellow light. b) Having to stop at the yellow lights would of caused you to make unnecessary noise by screeching your tyres to a halt, violating Section 291, Point 1, subsection (a). c) Having to stop at the yellow lights would of caused you to unreasonably obstruct the path of the pedestrian crossing [section 125, Point 1]. Man I hope I gave you some help, im tired as hell and Im not a lawyer (simple engineer). but when i fought my ticket, this was the similar approach I took in writing a letter to the Officer in Command. Be aware that I recommend you write nicely. I have uploaded the relavant legislation for this, so any sections i have referred to are in relations to this. TrantOpRURR09__1_.pdf ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Terry GT-R34 - I thought you might like this - its not engineering but its fascinating how the law twists and turns.
  8. ok you were issued a yellow piece of paper with the infringement on it... can you tell me what the cop wrote down in the box at the bottom and if he/she ticked the little box down the bottom that says something like "Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995". ill check the legislation for you.
  9. arbess

    Eoi : Coffee Meet

    Vish man! doing the coffee meets again woot. I dont have a N1554N anymore but i might come along as a broad minded person! (p.s. i still have the plates lawl)
  10. fark i read this whole thread and my gawd, your all thread pirates (some butt pirates). hope that guy ended up getting his ride lol. (maybe i missed reading that part). lol
  11. Hello all, I know its not a beefed up nissan or toyota, but i used to own a r32 so meh =P It's time for me to make the choice of selling the RX-8. I have had it for under a year and in the time I've had it its been wonderful, purchased from mazda used vehicles. My reason for selling is because I am going to full-time motorcycling and the RX-8 only gets driven once a week and sometimes once a fortnight. This RX-8 isnt just the standard RX-8 - it has upgraded suspension (Koni Yellows) and a aftermarket mid-pipe (exhaust pipe) to give it a slightly deeper exhaust note. The suspension is damper adjustable which can be adjusted with the turn of a key. In addition, the RX-8 has dark tinted windows and stainless steel muffler tips - gives it that extra shine. Since I've had it, I have put it through two Mazda services which on the last one I had the ECU firmware upgraded to the same as the 2009 RX-8 - which gave much better mid-range performance. Furthermore to ensure that this RX-8 will go the distance, I had Mazda replace ALL the coil-packs to brand new (genuine) and new spark plugs. This is my pride and joy but unfortunately I don't get to drive it enough to enjoy it - though everytime I drive it, it's a pleasure. The price is NEGOTIABLE as I would prefer to make a sale before the end of the year - why not treat yourself or your partner/family to a car? =) Location: Brisbane Price $29990 NEGOTIABLE Send me an SMS 0402565791 Cheers
  12. My son of rajab, I didnt know about the book - i reckon i could fit more legislation on my iPhone than in their car in books haha. Sounds about right with the phone-a-friend hotline they have - possibly why they detained me for 10 glorious minutes. Yes SOME officers are a PITA and they are a minority - which sadly enough a portion of society will make judgement on that. Im glad (in presumption) that you took this post as an informative topic - which i encourage others to do so as well. "i gawt da po po off mah a$$" - lol
  13. Yeh mannn... its those magic law skills i gained at uni! (something uni is good for - now i need to get 10 more of these 80 buck fines and ill pay that subject off) such a good feeling to have a win.
  14. Drum roll please..... and the winner is..... ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOT! I received a letter in the mail stating that the infringement has been withdrawn where no payment is required. May this thread be an example of how the law works both ways and that we should all know our rights. Of course I strongly recommend not to approach the situations with arrogance nor speak to any public servant with stupidity - i.e. don't implicate yourself any more than what is at hand. ME FTW!!!!! WINNNNNAAAHHH! peace.
  15. I'm nearly an engineer. not the right one. I can certainly certify that a rb25det in a Laurel's engine bay is hawt! I can even make a certificate: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CERTIFICATE OF COOLNESS I, i-R-engineer, certify that on the 15 day of OCTOBER 2009, RB25DETC33 has fulfilled the requirements need to have a cool Laurel. SAU recognises all conjunctions between an Engine and a Chasis and hereby supports this mod signed by the engineer. [iNSERT SEAL OF APPROVAL HERE] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Congratulations. P.S. I think your mod is mad!
  16. I dont personally expect every cop to know every law. I do expect them to know how to correctly apply the law in any situation + a little bit of common dog sense <-- that part some lack. I don't mind paying $80 if i was breaking the law - thats only fair, everyone else follows the law, why shouldnt I. (keke that is so understated even for me LOL) To bring your comment to relativity to this situation, the cop spent like 10 mins checking it all out on the computer - so assuming he had the legislation infront of him, he should of known better.
  17. Just an update I have recieved a letter in the mail that the matter is being investigated and that payment of the fine is suspended until further notice. Woot. 50/50 chance here. Anyone a bookie here, what odds are going for me?
  18. Yeh thats wired, because apparently they can
  19. Whoa far out! Well I'm a proud owner of a 13B in my nifty RX8. Fuel is shit house but comparable to driving my old monster R32 GTR. SydneyKid, I have much respect for your membership on this forum so please don't think by what i say on here will mean im having a go at you but rather providing a somewhat educated arguement to this fantastic topic! From my understanding from aviation and cars, i understand 4 stoke to be the famous quote of "SUCK SQUEEZE BANG BLOW" - that is intake, compression, combustion, exhaust, all a disclosed operation. Whereas 2 stroke is the sharing of the Cycle 1 Exhaust to Cycle 2 Intake. Therefore at the very simplest level, there is a defined difference between 4 and 2 stroke engines. When, SydneyKid states that "It the same as the 2 cycle truth, the rotary combusts every cycle, not eveery second cycle which is what defines a 4 cycle engine", I strongly disbelieve that as a defined theory. May I divert some of you to this link that shows the operation of a Rotary (Wankel Style) http://auto.howstuffworks.com/rotary-engine4.htm Now watch this 4 stroke http://auto.howstuffworks.com/engine1.htm Then watch this 2 stroke http://science.howstuffworks.com/two-stroke2.htm Notice, in the rotary and 4 stroke, the intake and exhaust are both separate and disclosed operations. For the 4 stroke and Rotary, there IS a distinct difference between the way the compression and combustion stages occur due to their geometric design, but ultimately performing the same output of exhaust. I suppose, SydneyKid, there is merit to what you are saying because there is no specific "stroke" between the compression and combustion stages. Therefore to claim a rotary as being a 4 stroke engine is probably just as wrong as calling it a 2 stroke engine. If we explore just a little more, the only difference I can see between rotary and 4 stroke is the process of compression and combustion. 4 stroke will take a stroke between compression and combustion, whereas the rotary will (by the use of their elliptical movement) will compress and combust in the one movement. This if we all think about it performs the same output and therefore defines the process of a stroke and a turn. Possibly those in the powers to be could not define the process difference of these two and decided to call a rotary's movement as 4-stroke. I personally believe the rotary is not a 2-stroke. Cheerio.
  20. Was this today or another time? Did you refer him/her to the legislation?
  21. By the way I have submitted a letter to the Officer in Charge of the station the constable who booked me was from. Now to sit and wait....
  22. If you have paid well before the rego expiry date and it arrives before the expiry date, then I suppose you have 2 valid options: 1. Put it on and remove the old label; or 2. You have up to 21 days after the expiry date to remove and attach the new one. Though, if you have paid early and it arrives before the expiry date, to save yourself hassle, put the new one on otherwise the cops will find some excuse to book you, and then you have my situation. If you have paid before the expiry date and it arives after the expriy date, then you have what is stated in the legislation. Not all cops are ill-informed about their own job, most I have dealt with seem to be alright (I actually live next to one - non-traffic), like the community its the minority that seem to make a negative impact. If those in the minority would get off their little podium and start acting like respectable members of the community, we would have a better system.
  23. Thats true, but again, it is the legislation that governs both us the public and those policing it. BTW, by indirectly forcing them to check your rego on the database, what does that do? Hahah bullsh*t. They made me read the wording on the back of the label too, WHICH I might add is ambigious as the word OLD refers to what? OLD as in past expiry or OLD when a NEW sticker is attached? That grey area of the wording is left to the legislation in my words to clarify and substantiate. Very good Dan! I strongly recommend others on this forum to understand the legislation as it could potentially put you out of harms way (though seek proper advice from those in the know - e.g. legalaid or something). Similar to what Dan said, just because they police the law, doesnt necessarily mean they know it - like hopefully in this case of mine.
  24. hey mate, if you need some places to look for your problem this might help. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/St...l&hl=arbess
  25. x3 Yeh I had my receipt, which I was directed by QLD Transport to do. As I mentioned, he must of been fresh out of the academy (which was literally 2km down the road) and just didnt want to be stood up by an intellectual like me
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