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Everything posted by arbess

  1. arbess

    Events Section

    I think the Event section was good. saves me from having to scoll down the QLD forum to see whats happening.
  3. Dude. Yes what you did was very silly. And yes we all do silly things in stooopid places. So learning a lesson is the important thing, NOT doing it in the first place is best lesson. To apply an appropriate comment to your original post, I, for one, have lost my licence before for speeding. I wont say what speed it was, but worse than you. I surely learnt my lesson and know that I wont be doing that anytime soon. Since then, I havent been pulled up for anything. Seriously, you have to be acting like a wanker in your car to get hassled. Well, hope you dont feel alone now, haha.
  4. I have a black front bar for r32. Not m spec. black, will need respray
  5. anyone want to sell their used unwanted tyres to me? =)
  6. arbess

    Skyline Cruise

    where and when is this cruise tonight?
  7. Would you trade?? I have light weight italian wheels. =) Just trying my luck
  8. Welcome Alex you know who this is. Congrats on your car again, big step up from what you used to drive. Might see you out and about. Good luck
  9. Cool pictures. Does the skidpan put bad wear on your tyres and clutch?
  10. Looks like we're getting some interest from Mexico. Im bringing the Hot Chilli Sauce... That will fire up your skylines. hahaha
  11. Hey mate. I had a similar problem to you last week. If its pouring out black smoke out the back then it could be the vacuum. I was racing one night and my car popped. it wouldnt idle, it wouldnt stay, i had to keep my foot on the throttle to keep it alive. Sounded like a race car.... roooof rooof rooof. I thought i had screwed my engine or dropped a cylinder. After hours of thinking (Actually days) i came to the conclusion that it was my vacuum. That means, intercooler piping, BOVS or standard release valves, vacuum hoses to the turbos, anything to do with putting air into your car. You also mentioned that you can hear a loud tapping, I heard the same thing. that was fixed as soon as I fixed my vacuum problem. Anyways what i found out was that my inlet side on the Intercooler piping had come off, yes come off. This was making my gtr sound like a race car. What i would suggest is to look into your pipes and BOV's and see if they are normal. BOV's pistons can seize due to age and cause bad vacuum. Piping can come off due to age. If its your BOV's try to find stockies and use them, if its your piping, you might get away with just replacing the worm clamps to new ones and tightening up. Good luck. ill keep checking this to see if you get anywhere.
  12. I might have another R32 GTR coming along. haha wohooo
  13. Mine sits around 4 in the morning for warm up. Once the oil gets to 80-90*C it will then drop down to around 2 i think. after a long day it will idle under the first bar (Not the zero bar obiously). I have been told that when its low after a long day, its ok because oil is all over your engine and doesnt need to be pumped at high pressure. Other wise the guage is stuffed. =) See a mechanic to know when your oil pump is on its way. bye
  14. What Saliya said is actually correct. I did hit the nut on upside down and found some damage to the threading. I would suggest to find something, like a metal rod to go between your hammer and a the tie rod end. At least you know what angle your hitting it with.
  15. Ok. The beast has been rooted. Rb26dett. I blew something up last night. really sad and unhappy about it. I was wondering if if anyone knows good priced rebuilders in Brisbane area. Thanks.
  16. Just a question, those who own 32's, do you have remote keyless entry to your car? I cant seem to unlock my drivers side door with the button. Im not sure if the 32's came with motors on the drivers side. any help would be cool. thanks
  17. YES IM IN WITH THE CAMRY! mine is going to beat baysideblue's 34 around the mountain because it has really high suspension. Also its cooler than GTR's because it has four doors haha.. =)
  18. haha there is sooooo many 32's =) well ill just bring my Camry. so suck on that. lol
  19. How did it go with the poooolice. did they hound yous? I wouldnt be surprised if they started defecting the places where the meets are held. Might come next time.
  20. You can buy the iridiums, or the normal copper spark plugs iridium will last you a hell of a lot longer and burn your fuel better. Copper will have to be replaced more ofter if your after a healthy engine.
  21. Bump.
  22. Ellie. I think you should cool down because for starters I read what you said a few times and i seem not to understand your Engarish. If i understood right I wasnt the one who started raising the tone of the language in the topic about people who can afford what. Really I dont know where affording a car comes into the equation and how there is cutting the "F**k stick factor", i mean what is the F**k stick factor. Care to explain that to the entire Skylines communitiy, im sure they will love to hear that haha. I wish I could understand you reasoning because it sounds like something cool. And whats with the sticking up for others? Can they not speak for themselves, or are you some service they pay for? seriously? All i said about your post was "A bit steep there", and purely that was because your French was quite obvious. If you want to brag about affording an R34, then go buy one and post your pictures and comments on the WASTELAND section, because i'm sure you will get some kiddies saying "Bro, thats fully sick", and that might bump up your ego. Now i never pointed fingers at you, or Azzurra. If you read the lins correctly I said that Azzurra is doing the right things and organising the R32 Cruise. Here you come and say I'm a bad person. Mate I'd love any cruise and for your sake i'll say it again, I think what Azzurra is doing is very good. Ok got that. Now please get back on topic so I dont need to say this again for you to understand. Good luck with your R32 cruise.
  23. Woah, bit steep there ellie. Fellas Fellas, we all own skylines and were having a big sook about these "Specific Model" cruises. I don't know why that cant happen. In the past there has been Skylines Only cruises and maybe some there have felt that it was time for a "Specific Model" cruise. So what if its GTR only, so what if it is R34 Only - why are you left out? No one said that "All other models are not welcome". Azzura, you have blown the topic to some other level that will invite unwelcome comments from some members. No one said that you were excluded. The only smart thing you did in your Post Topic was to ask for interest in your R32 cruise. Thats all you needed to do, not have a stab at the others for having a "Specific Model" cruise. I'm sure one day we will have a Skylines cruise again and be family again LOL. But why is there an atmosphere of envy? Have your cruise, I dont think many will mind, geebus. Well I'll leave it to Azzura to make a cool cruise for you R32 owners =)
  24. Didnt know him personally but i kept with the News from the beginning. Sad to hear he lost his fight with his illnesses. My condolences to his family and friends. Tough person, he was. Peace to him.
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