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Low Vc in da house

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About Low Vc in da house

  • Birthday 15/09/1984

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Rising Star (9/14)

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  1. Yeah but NA_R33 pulled a much better skid out the back of the berssy in rocky, Dang 4wd hey jay!!!! Told ya those crumb steak and chips make people go all crazy like!!
  2. Spose garth was in one of his hey!!!! Dang right the big siliva is going to be a lag moster and not much of a streeter anymore, but hell its going to get up and dance when is get on boost, a wet 100h.p. shot of NOS should help there thought!!! When you pay 250 for a turbo you cant think bout these things thought!!
  3. Sciby how long now till you get ur thingy that lets you drive your you know what from old mate
  4. Aiming high, thought that was pretty obvious
  5. Sciby i have come to expect so much more from you mate, aim high brother aim high. Nices pics of the R in the other thingy, keen to have a good look at it when you come up.
  6. Hey and is it true that this weekend is going to be your bday as well, its just time for a celebration isnt it!!! If so we going to head out for some fun after a cruise on saturday night, i think we should cause a friend of mine is having her bday night this saturday too so it could be like a mass reason to party!!!
  7. Hey squizz love that photo you sent me, very nice. but what you needed to do was arch your back and look back at the camera really mean, like a dragon!!
  8. And you should see what ill do for a ride in a val of some sort
  9. Thats phat, hey and the things i used to do to cruise in dev R everyday :whip: I do the same for your R to :aroused:
  10. Didnt form enough friends in the house hey, spose all those cameras and stuff, so they voted you out, thats wrong. Still coming up this weekend?
  11. Squizz where did you come from, And i see "the nest" rocky has been sold too, thats good news
  12. And apparently Jays wang is large and high/full in fibre.
  13. RIGHT ON!!!!!! Hard viking nips
  14. I think we are all low on cash, hey boys just so you all know dan's little red silvia is up for sale as of now $14990 and its yours as it sits now, he will even get it r.w.c. for it to, say jay if you know of anyone thats keen for a fairly quickly little S13, let em know hey! Sad day but its going to make way for a new project, been a good little car but you know what its like
  15. K wont start you, im out of here, time to go home and eat some food, im dang hungry
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