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Everything posted by FATAZZ

  1. Id say average people make their minds up depending on driving style and type of modifications if its a plain looking skyline slightly lowerd,exhaust maybe some 17's or 18's i dont think people would class that as a hoon,but if you have big a$$ stickers allover your car,20" wheels exhaust scraping along the kerb always in 2nd gear psssshing allover the place, YES id say the average person would call you a hoon.
  2. Bump Offers for pick up only delivery still same price
  3. How annoying will it be taking off from a set of lights in a 80kph zone with a bunch of push bike riders taking off from infront of you. How long does it take to get to 80kph for your average bike rider on a flat surface? Too damn F'ing long, thats the answer.
  4. Those hatchback pulsar's are a popular hoon choice around my parts.
  5. HAHAHA you know that people who watch these shows don't even have half a brain. Hence watching Today Tonight. Seriously, How many TV shows do you watch that you dislike/disagree with. Think about it.
  6. And that makes my day complete. LoL All i seen was 'no home phone line'. If it helps,,,my home internet is T'd from the foxtel cable. Telstra internet with wireless router Telstra also does a wireless modem aswell.but the modem has to be T'd into the foxtel cable then its wireless from modem to desktops/laptops.
  7. ok,but did you chop up the reo bar behind it. I ask cause the last front bar i bought had the number plate section cut completely OUT cause the cooler the bloke had needed the reo to be chopped out for it to fit. so when i put said front bar on my car i can literally see the reo behind it. I don't want one like that. ??? i can wait till you get back from holidays if thats easier. cheers
  8. and grannies are plowing down pedestrians.
  9. Thanks for the pics,has the front bar been cut/modified to suit a fmic?
  10. A friend of ours bought 1 new just recently and she loves it.
  11. any chance of getting some footage/vids? or when is it aired on TV? Hey,is that a cd player in that r32 drift car? if so top stuff,doin it in style
  12. Hey,i went for another drive thisarvo and the light went off as soon as i dropped the handbrake,just must of needed abit more time for the 'thing' to acknowledge i put more brake fluid in. Thanks everybody for your help,much appreciated
  13. Ill take it for another drive tonight double check the brakes then, ill take a wheel off and check the meat on the pads. Nah,no dvd player or dash installs. see how i go. Im thinking its just a simple wire coming loose..Your probly right Craig.
  14. who else has seen the green 80's style excel at woodcroft maccas with the 'HOMO' sticker on the back window.The person must work their cause its almost always there.Unless hey traded it for a ford cougar.
  15. with my work ute(hilux) the mechanic said when the brake fluid is low it means the brake pads are running thin. Could it be the same case with the skyline even though i haven't really felt a loss of brakes so far?
  16. auto $3000 nissan vector,wasn't really into cars,but the fun i had can't be said on a forum.
  17. already topped it up,the brakes work fine,no leaks. Cris,How long after you topped up your brake fluid did the light go off? I've only given it 5-10mins of local driving so far.
  18. I topped it up today and went for a 5-10min drive around and the light is still on. any suggestions?
  19. nah,hicas light stays on because i disconnected it along with all its components and put a lockbar inplace. the hicas light being on is normal,was just saying because 2 red lights on the dash doesn't look good let alone 1.
  20. Thanks Shaun,you were right first off, low on brake fluid. Mods can delete now if wanted.
  21. Hey,as above when i release my handbrake the red light on the dash stays light up like its still on. Is this a common occurance with r32's? It still drives normal,just now i have the hicass light and handbrake light both on while driving now hicass isn't a problem though(lockbard) should i get it fixed urgent or is it just a bung light/wire? cheers
  22. good chance you'll have to replace some bolts,they're old. can of WD40 helps. not just 1 type of spanner,use open end,ring,socket spanners and also a socket set with some extension bars may help. i found i needed like 2 different spaners just to work 1 bolt from the dump-turbo. its like a puzzle,can only go together 1 way so you cant really stuff it up. goodluck
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