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Everything posted by FATAZZ

  1. 25
  2. Exactly what i thought it was.
  3. dobber's wear nappys
  4. well i call it BS, i was RBT'd the other night,not in the skyline and the cop says 'Oh we got a Problem' while reading the screen thingy after i counted in it,then before COP had a chance i said 'Nah,i wasn't drinking' then cop says 'ok,have a nice night' WTF seriously WTF
  5. hey,that new brethalizer thing where you just talk into it...does that read your breath or what? just thought id ask seen as how you said your hubby is a cop.
  6. FunFact: a small piece of that plastic they have on spark plugs can shatter a drivers side window when thrown.
  7. that must suck for fat people.
  8. Define 'fully loaded'
  9. Back up there...waiting...waiting
  10. Not a chance,,,it's a Holden.
  11. I've had 2 offers of $700 now. $800 you can come pick them up.This weekend only.
  12. FATAZZ

    Todays Mx

    thats not much for being CHASED @ 255km/h
  13. haha i remember my mate bought a brand new 6cyl crapodore(the model after VT) and it didnt even have power windows. Lame
  14. wouldn't you need 2 different tunes as in ign. and a/f if you want to run your car at 2 different boost levels?
  15. hahaha do it again.....and again.....and again......and again......
  16. the $22 boost tee works great. and it's only $22 haha
  17. i love these idiots that dont understand what "left lane ends' 'merge right' means. they soon realise when i hold my position then they try to sneek up the inside while approaching this left hander(Greystenes Rd) and i cut straight across to the inside. can't wait for some tosser to run into me. Ouch my Neck,my neck and my back! Work Utes FTW!!! I been wanting to get a huge F OFF bullbar on the ute so i can put a sticker on the back window that will state "My Bullbar Disagrees"
  18. no expert,but it just sounds way too UNSAFE. personally i wouldn't drive it in the condition it's in. Best advice i could give is too check the power steering fluid,make sure it isn't low.
  19. why not just remove it properly with a lockbar?
  20. my favourite part of this thread.... 50kw gain from FMIC and combined dump & front pipe. but seriously, i'd go for the combined dump & front pipe to finish off your exhaust $249 s/s from justjap $22 manual boost controller (forced induction thread) Bass Junky silicone inlet pipe(bout $100 i think) I've got a safc,but now that remaps are so readily availible,id suggest you see Toshi for 1. cant remember but you might want a new fuel pump. this exh cam gear sounds like a goer.
  21. don't boost away...good chance it will then be a cop. Just go slower and slower,they'll eventually get the picture and go around.
  22. depending on where it was parked at the time,,,ask around to see if anyone seen any tilt tray trucks around the area. hope you get it back dude.
  23. The O.P does not say it was 'broken into' he just said 'it was taken' So,was it broken into and stolen or were you jacked?
  24. Had to laugh at this one. hahaha
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