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Everything posted by FATAZZ

  1. thay 2nd link is funny as, WAY better then the 1st link.
  2. ugly looking car to begin with anyway.
  3. better then the AUTO 10sec gtst parked next to me in my avater pic?
  4. should of done burnouts on the kids head then left, no point in calling the cops....as said before,where were they in the first 36hrs.
  5. thismorning i seen OWNED on a motorbike.
  6. Dude,you lucked out hard,i went through all this crap you just spoke about with the RTA. Best advice i could give is what JAS-25T already gave you. Cheers
  7. Nah man,thanks anyway. Not interested in anymore wheels
  8. Been spotting this BE 34 ST getting around lately.
  9. where is this taking place? name of suburb?
  10. Thats a sweet looking car. not too much but just enough Top name too
  11. Thats what she said.
  12. It's raised to let the hot air out of the engine bay.the hinges in most cases are left but have added washers to help raise the bonnet,it also helps to rip that rubber seal that runs along just infront of the windscreen. P.S those 'pegs' are known as 'bonnet pins'
  13. If you check the other 'PETROL" thread you'll see that everyone is posting what fuel they got from where.
  14. won't people then just make fake reports?
  15. I was under the impression that a police officer has to either be wearing a badge,uniform or hat or driving a marked police car or show me identification before i have to legally acknowledge them as law enforcement officers until then their just another bogan in a commonwhore who will get the middle finger.
  16. when i open the flap thing to fill up petrol,theres a bunch of little stickers like you get on oranges and apples stuck there but there little fuel brand stickers. can remember them off the top of my head but their still in there.i like em And found an awesome golf club in the boot tucked up in the boot hinge racks.
  17. a moving company or about 4 of the strongest people you know. should be able to remove the legs,which will help heaps.
  18. are you in Sydney? EDIT: No your not.
  19. FATAZZ

    98 Ron

    Last Saturday. I go pretty much every Saturday. And i can tell you that the BP at Woodcroft and further up Richmond rd(near Hungry Jacks) both NEVER have Ultimate
  20. im planning to ditch the SAFC for a nistune. I always learn the expensive way.
  21. FATAZZ

    98 Ron

    BP on the GRT WSTRN HWY has BP Ultimate 98 everytime i go there. The 1 near Mt Druitt just before Bunnings.
  22. im pretty sure i read in that list from the other thread that UAS at sevo tunes Nistune aswell. Well im hoping so,cause thats where i intend on going.
  23. well with my spluttering problem,i got it put on a dyno and they just regapped the plugs to suit the amount of air flowing,so it wouldn't blow out the spark.
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