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Everything posted by FATAZZ

  1. Man i need a Key or glossary thing.... whats IBTL stand for?
  2. theres a kebab shop around the corner(wetherill park) FULLY TABOULI its pretty nice. they got this promotion thing where if you take a poic of yourself in a famous place like infront of the eiffel tower holding a piece of paper with \fully tabouli written on it, show them the pic and they give you a free meal. I just need to learn how to use photoshop.
  3. Im having a sandwich my mum made me
  4. as i was coming home yesterday arvo i spotted a black 32gtst #plate TRB-001 I was this bloke in the ute. at the roundabout on Bungarrabie & Rosenthal
  5. lol so their like the crazy bogan cousin
  6. Yep same here again,i wish the lunch shop was closer,im sick of noodles
  7. LoL, Done! i drive past the Arnotts factory sometimes on the way home from work it smells so yum like warm biscuits :drool:
  8. plenty of beer ere!
  9. woohoo 12mins im winning
  10. If im right into a thread,i just tell the customer ill call them back cause some customers just talk crap.
  11. i dont get it,how does 'dose pipe' = vl turbo? Please Explain
  12. Does SAU have online games like checkers etc. that would make the day flow abit nicer.
  13. and btw. Torrents and the whole P2P sharing are absolutely shit methods of getting the goodies these days =) news bin???
  14. Work = SAU Home = Utorrent Well today ive arranged postage and boxed up my old floor mats and windsheilds as im selling them to a fellow sauER in VIC. So yeh got it all done thismorning ready to go. Spare Parts Interpretor(that cant spell) Now just hanging out till 4pm so i can go get subway mmmmm
  15. LoL small world...Metcalf was funny as. I think all im left with is this old old Deck.
  16. LoL @ nina, let the hot engine air come through on your feet and put your window down
  17. Auto for me as i only do the odd drag race at wsid And it sounds like a formula 1 car changing gears so quick(spoont) all depends what you want the car for i guess. aslong as your not one of those people who take like a whole minute to change gears just so they hear their fully shick BOV
  18. with half the options/electrics
  19. seems like a downgrade to me. most importantly i wont wave if your driving a commodore
  20. I think that Harley bloke went to my school. Blacktown Boys High But he was a few years older. I remember the only ramps was emerton spine ramp(but who'd go there) blacktown pools(bit big) & bondi had 2 ramps,i liked the little 1
  21. sorry,thought they were both the same kit. im after the kit for the 32gtst im guessing its the 2nd pic? need dimensions thanks aaron
  22. do you plan on registering for road use? And when your finished,think you'll be up for another 1:)
  23. Any of these places around Blacktown?
  24. i also notice the guage gets lazy around oil change time(5000kms)
  25. can i get the dimensions of the cooler overall including the return pipe that hangs abit lower cheers
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