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Everything posted by FATAZZ

  1. a black one like in the pic. i handed RSTME back to the rta
  2. i been seeing it around the car yards on the great western highway near kingswood station. the green STAGEA,havent heard or seen it go yet,but it looks the part.
  3. mine was shipped in 2 medium size boxes from melb to Syd for $26.80 through australia post. cooler,pipes,plastic air vent few rubber joiners. fabrication was $40
  4. so the pump is used for filling the dipstick hole only? nothing to do with underneath?
  5. sweet,just need to get the gasket, oil and pump thursday night. will i need ramps or will regular car jacks be enough?
  6. i got a quote from just cars for full insurance on my car(89 r32gtst) and if it was stolen or written off,all id get back is $9000. whats the go there?
  7. yes please xr8eater. i havent serviced the gearbox since i got it at 83,000kms, its now at 108,000. ive done the engine servicing,just not the g/box & diff.
  8. ford falcons have the same stud pattern,just get some stock falcon wheels
  9. yep,i tried using the hold button to shift to 2nd just then and its not good. id like to go in another auto skyline to make sure i dont have a dodgey g/box. anyone happy with their auto box and willing to take me for a spin?
  10. cheers dude,ill give it a go,but i think my snow/hold button limits my revs to 4000rpms. i'll see what happens.
  11. i gather the SNOW & HOLD buttons in 32's & 33's do the same thing like the power buttons,,so SECUR1TY...are you saying to have the car in drive when taking off and use the snow button to shift into 2nd? at what revs are you shifting to 2nd?
  12. try a r34gtt side mount... http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...showtopic=99651
  13. does it still run good? if so get a turbo timer and enjoy it i say.
  14. white mags with polished dish would look good i think.
  15. is anyone planning on getting a wheel balance/alignment after removing their wheels? i was told its important especially on 4WS cars. are 33's n 34's 4WS also?
  16. are you taking NIS-31R to eastern creek this wednesday?
  17. what engine/head/turbo is in the NIS-31R???
  18. a green Stagea #plates STAGEA outfront of the car yards at kingswood.
  19. spotted mzq-11k(silver r33) as i was coming out of the servo at minchinbury on the grt wstrn.
  20. i seen FEAR aswell, taking off from the lights outfront of minchinbury,i was in a white AU ute, was 11:50am. then a silver i think with gold rims 32 GTR with 4sale written on the windows pulled into the caryard next door to where i work.
  21. Doonside,but in a nice street if thats believable. cerci,if you can,try to buy a cheap run around car until it quietens down?
  22. only 70 in 3rd so i couldnt let off a big CHSSHH lol
  23. too bad the aussie guy who got stabbed was not protected or the father who was bashed infront of his son taking out the garbage or the lady who came outside to check on her elderly neighbours. just a few i can remember... im not taking sides,just letting the discussion know what i saw on the tv and the way i've personaly seen the law act in my local area work.
  24. cops are f$#*T!!! i seen them hitting aussies with their battons like crazy and get praised for it. aren't police allowed to hit middle-easterners with their battons? or is that considered racist?
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