been spotting a white 32 4door on the Grt Wstrn Hwy and a black 2door 32 with white on black plates CTN-sumthing.
a black 32 passed me today as i was turning from wallgrove back onto the highway,yes i heard you CHSSHHH!!! very nice.
best holdens use nissan or chev engines.
xr6 turbo's are new,ill beat one with half the engine capacity and spending money plus look good while doing it.
i seen a yellow r34 gtt thismorning(6:30am) on Doonside rd with me approaching the great western highway,i dont think it was a GTR but lookd lower in the ass then this other gtt i seen.
if your loose your license for a period of 12months or longer,you will have to re-sit the test and do a full 12months on red P's again,,,not sure about if you have to do another driving test(though i think you might).
Sux 2 B U!
spotted a hot blonde driving a maroon 33 on Doonside rd yesterday , had a big SKYLINE sticker down the drivers door.
i live in the other direction babe;)