a mate suggested i take my car to one of those tyre/suspension places that lower your car to any height for like $150 (chopping the springs i assume)
any recomendations?
replied,tried sending pics again but wont work,its the orange colour sticker
the number stamped on it is ; 9913C
no breaks in the mesh either.
willing to swap for other car stuff.
i undone the screws today when my radiator was out.timing belt changed.
was too many rubber hoses going into the canister from underneath.
thanks for your help everyone:)
today at lunchtime i seen about 10 skylines between blacktown and penrith,4 of them just at eastern creek intersection on the grt wstrn.1 r32gtst wes-78*? gave me the thumbs up.
seen more skylines then taxi's lol
spun the wheels from take off unfortunatly and im not one for backing off atleast untill i see a wall.LoL next time im going to just watch,i only got to see the burnout comp
plenty of Lines at WSID last night,i spoke to 2 guys,neither came on here,was a r34 GTR with coverd up #plates 'o0OhH!'
did anyone see ME:) ???
i had 3 runs
20.8 LoL
full zorst,pod,13psi,Automatic & crap tyres.
this is for r32 owners, i have a gtst and my passenger door isnt locking properly when i use the drivers side to lock it as i get out of the car,it locks about halfway(looks locked from drivers side).
just ware n tare id say.
what is this black canister thing? it says 'signal' 'purge' and 'fuel tank' and something about connection, i want to move it to get to my headlight screws.
will fuel come out if i take off the black hoses going into the canister? they are also holding it inplace.