What he said ^^^ will hold you over till 220rwkw roughly.
bout $200-$250 and remember to clean it before install.
50/50 kero and water is what i used.gets heaps of black stuff out.
The Lady (private owner) of BP said earlier, If she's going to be put out of business by the big oil companies.
She would rather do it her own way. So come and enjoy the cheap fuel.
Hey,just heard on the radio that the BP servo on Sunnyholt road Blacktown has unleaded petrol for 97 cents per litre. Didn't hear anything about Ultimate,but still good for your daily driver.
EDIT: Heard it just went down to 94cents.
Spewin. Missus reminded me i have to help her sister move houses. wollongong
Hopefully ill be back not long after lunch.
wouldn't be running my car either....think my turbo blades are in my cat.
Even IF EVERYONE else has good and bad days, NOT EVERYONE is in a position to break someones life.
Cruising ANY main streets on a thurs,fri,sat or sunday night is just asking for it.
OK. now is there a difference between auto's and manual's?
auto g'boxs fluid runs through the bottom of the radiator to warm it up,but how long
till it's warm? from start up to not causing damage whilst driving difference between auto and manual?