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Everything posted by V8Owner

  1. In the beginning we had terrible problems, its slowly getting better. I heard that some of the existing rules may be relaxed a little in the near future. Most recently we have had no problems what so ever with WSID. The only real complaint that i have is the 11.00 sec cut-off, i would love to see it at 10.00 secs if the car & driver are appropriately licensed. throw a turbo kit or nos on a commodore & you are straight away running 10's. The cost for the day is somewhat prohibitive for some willing drivers, especially the younger drivers. Cheers, V8Owner
  2. Grant from Cackling pipes photography was present on the day. He has lots of excellent shots of all the competitors in action. http://www.cacklingpipesphotography.com/07...ownersday_1.htm You can purchase copies of all the shots minus all watermarks directly from the website. Please support Grant, he spends all day at these events & he needs to eat from time to time.
  3. Here are the results of round 2 & 3.
  4. V8owners try & hold one Drag racing event every 4 months, the next one is in july/august
  5. What a great day! I would like to say thank you to all participants. Your contribution to the day was outstanding. WSID feedback was 100% on every aspect of the day. Seeing both camps pitch in & help each other was great. We were a little bit concerned to see the number of skylines knocked out after the first round of bracket racing. Round two put a quick stop to that, the skylines were knocking out the V8 guys everywhere. The rain out was a bit of a bummer however. But wait there is more................... Due to our exemplary behavior WSID has agreed to let the 8 finalists fight it out free of charge with a private lane hire on a Wednesday night street meet. That's right, they will let the finalists run an 8 car bracket event on a Wednesday night. We will have our winners, so the day is not over yet. There are still 6 trophies up for grabs. Well done everybody, you are all welcome back to any V8owners event. Adam, you have now driven an LS1, are you coming over to the dark side??????? Peter.
  6. It Is Crap weather at the moment. We will be in communication with the track early in the morning & any news will be posted on the forum if it is received in time. We will get to the track & make the call by 9am unless the morning looks hopeless. I will be in touch with Abo Bob & we will spread the word if it is looking to be a rain out. I would recommend that you head to the track as planned, WSID seems to have it own weather patterns at the best of times. Sorry guys thats just the way it goes with the weather.
  7. I thought i would give you an update on the status of our track hire. WSID = paperwork submitted & paid in full Tickets = I picked up the tickets today at 1pm from John Henman Caterers = Booked & confirmed Trophies = Ordered & received (u r a legend Mr Bob) Photographer = Booked & confirmed Sunshine = Booked & confrimed ANDRA Rep = booked & confirmed. He will be present between 9.30 am & 11.00 am to do licensing. Dont forget you will need a super Street licence if you plan to run 11 second passes. Cost is $120.00 for your licence. Please down load this form here The program for the day will be as follows; 8am gates open Breakfast and Scrutineering between 8am ~ 10am 10am driver briefing, Grudge racing commences 12 noon to 1 pm qualifiying for the bracket racing 1:30pm ~ 4pm bracket racing session. when the bracket racing is completed grudge racing will begin until 4pm. 4.30 pm trophies will be awarded WSID Gates close 5:30pm Then it is beer o'clock. See you between 7:15 & 7:50 at the meeting point (Pit Stop Tavern)
  8. Easy question. Each Primary driver can bring 2 vehicles & enter 2 vehicles at no extra cost. A second driver May only drive the primary drivers primary vehicle. Simply put in $ terms 1 car & 1 Driver = $210 1 car & 2 Drivers = $310 2 cars & 1 Driver = $210 2 cars & 2 drivers you have to pay double $420.00 Now have i managed to confuse you as much as i have myself?? GTshortie, i just checked my paperwork & you are down for 1 car with yourself as the driver. The paperwork has already been done & is in WSID's hands. It is a little late now for any changes i am sorry.
  9. Whilst there is no limit for spectator/crew cars the spectators & crews are required to arrive with the Drivers. Please where ever possible try & car pool, we do not want to aggravate the WSID personnel by having 200 spectators cars. There will be a large number of spectator vehicles. We have a rule that the spectator cars are to be parked at the rear of the parking lot. The 1st 2 bays (first 4 rows of spots) closest to the scrutineering shed are for competitors vehicles only. This ensures that the competitors are close to power, tools, & the officials. The last thing we want is a traffic jam in the complex. One more point to note, There is NO ALCOHOL allowed past the front gate for ANYBODY, spectators, crew & drivers. WSID will expel any persons found with alcohol. If a crew member is found in possession of alcohol the entire crew & driver will be expelled by WSID. We don't make the rules, we just want a good fun day with no issues that reflect on either club. looking forward to a great day of racing.
  10. SAU has 17 participants for the day that entitles you to a maximum of 85 spectators & crew combined.
  11. Abo Bob is currently away on business so i will post this on his behalf The information on the meeting point. The meeting point will be at the Pit Stop Tavern between 7:15 am & 7:50 am. Cnr of Huntingwood drive & liberty road Eastern Creek. There is plenty of parking on Huntingwood drive & in Liberty road. We have chosen this point due to it's proximity to the track & 100+ cars do not need to do a "U" turn on the great western Hwy if we met at the shell service station. I will be there (Peter) with a white SS commodore on a trailer with Abo Bob. Here we will distribute the tickets. Please only COMPETITORS come an ask for tickets, you are then responsible to giving them to your crew/spectators. You will also be given a sticker to place on the front window of your car. ONLY after you have your tickets & sticker can you proceed to the gates at WSID The gates will open at 8am. If you do not have the tickets you CAN'T get into WSID. No tickets are allowed to be distributed at the track or entry roads to WSID. It is very important that you are not late. If you are late you will need to ring me (Peter) on 0407 376658. I must warn you that on the morning of a track hire my phone rings constantly & i am very busy. I will make arrangements for you to receive your tickets. you may need to wait a little as i dont have time to go in & out of the track every 5 minutes. Hope this helps, V8owner
  12. I thought i would pop in here to say hello & thank the skyline club members for showing support for the March 25 Skylines Vs V8owners drag day. To answer a few questions. Spectators Tickets will be issued at the meeting point to all drivers. It will be left to the drivers to issue tickets to spectators. Meeting point The meeting point will be either the Shell service station or the Pit Stop Tavern. This will be confirmed early next week Meeting times The confirmed meeting times will be posted early next week. It is VERY important that nobody is late. Tickets can only be issued at the meeting point NOT at the track. This is a firm rule that WSID has, see quotation from rules below" "It is the responsibility of The Hirer to distribute tickets to participants before the Track Hire. Tickets are not permitted to be distributed within WSID on the day of the Track Hire." Drivers swapping vehicles This is not allowed under any circumstances. This is allowed under ANDRA rules however it is against WSID rules. Catering We have hired the Lions Club as caterers for the day. They will have breakfast & lunch with tea, coffee & drinks all day. You will have to pay for the items they are not free. Please spare a few $$$ as a donation to help the sick children if you can. Drivers briefing A driver briefing will be held at the start line prior to the first run of the day, This is compulsory for all drivers to attend. Can't wait for the day, i will get a chance to run my commodore naturally aspirated for the first time with the new motor. Many thanks to all the participants & see you on the day. Peter.
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