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Everything posted by JET-33

  1. thatd b better polished i think....
  2. everybody loves u dave and gerald and nigel 2...
  3. theres always a few...just gotta keep at it bois...we r comin along nicely....lets keep building, in the right way. jet
  4. settle down westy... if u both swap shoes u both would b shitty as so lets just ease up...
  5. hmmm i cant remember stockin it back in my coles day...fark those days were long RIP the pink 200sx...cos of some1.......NOT BENNY
  6. hehe just try some supermarkets...shouldnt b 2 hard 2 find
  7. go mobil ive heard bp and optiax r trashy....wish there was an actual, real report on all of em, what they have, dont have etc etc hey ambz...was gonna say sumthin but i wont....hmmmm *fark*
  8. thats gold, dark got killed sounded more like a cupcake fart joke....but yeh hahaha i know drifta wants to lick it off 2 fluff wrestlers
  9. stop copying me, every1 loved big ricey wings...now i have a mad stealth wing, and james got one, now every1 is comin round..grrrrr haha, just playin but the cops will catch on.......theyl b sayin..."look out 4 the sleepers with stealth wings..they r weapons"
  10. but il give it to ya...sounds like y get treated awesome..NICE WORK
  11. haha ur a cunny funt dale i think your trumpet is all blown out inasnt haha and that first photo looks cold...cbf lookin at any odas
  12. HAHAHA, IT IS U SAM, HAHAHA i know who the guy is, and i actually was told by sam to ring him to get my front tie rod....seemd sweet, dunno what they r priced at 2nd but yeh...
  13. HAHAHA i couldnt resist cos i knew some smart ass would say sumthin... so, how do u eat your fluff? do u put it on something? eat it straight out the jar? oh, ITS MARSHELLOW SPREAD PEOPLE!!! :p (just incase u were like "huh")
  14. JET-33

    new rego

    its the tac or woteva u get off with a health care card..... im tippin there would b some rule on in otherwise u get go nuts and pay fark all rego..well actually....itd still b heaps considering what u get for soo much $$$...stoopid governments farks
  15. yeh im sure u wont have any problems gettin them....
  16. thats pretty much a full tank for me...plus the fark arounds we have...hmmmm, im gonna need gerry can....grrr
  17. nice....
  18. JET-33


    nice work dave
  19. just heard that on the radio......thats farked.....
  20. got any pics of the car/roo? or roo in the car? i hear that it was destoyed??? any details? sorru to hear about ya car though dude...insurance will ocver it but it sucks how it counts as a claim..it aint fair
  21. ambz u should never swerve to hit animals, its not worth killing yourself.... unless u c it from a long way away and have plenty of room to adjust and slow down etc u should just stay steady and react accordingly... id rather c an animal dead than some1 here injured...
  22. JET-33


    that fluffs diff 2 the one we had at mas
  23. JET-33


    its marshmellow spread... u could have comw 2 crown with us ambz..if u werent soo lazzy we had a good feed at kfc hmmm, i wish it was mas everyday...not a problem in the world back then..and i had such a ball *looks at ambz* now its ova its farked hmmmm oh well
  24. haha they can have a race to c who gets it first.... its a gtst hel b gettin...its his 21st bday....thats when he wants it by...
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