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Everything posted by Nismo_Boy

  1. whoring?
  2. Yeah a Gold Coast Senior Sergeant who was dealing with my stolen motor told me about it, apparently the shop ripped a couple of Asian guys off and I guess they wanted to play wanabe yakuza with a shoot gun. The story from the Police I got was Mick owed a lot of colorful people money among other things so left for Dubai. Last I heard he was working/involved with another Gold Coast workshop. I personally haven’t seen him out on the scene since my falling out however. Back on topic
  3. Sub Zero had an awesome habit of blowing up people’s cars on their dyno to up sell engine rebuilds. They sold me a stolen motor, which got impounded for months. They had there shop front badly damaged by bullets years ago.. I needed to get the Police to remove Mick from a Jamboree about 4+ years ago as he wanted to have a punch on. Sounds like a really great workshop huh
  4. 1344.5kg not shabby for a whale Eug
  5. Daily whore.
  6. The Gecko did. Or did it.
  7. So is a 240k.. Doesn't make it good
  8. Car looks like a good base. get the fuel filler spacer door so it sits flush!
  9. Nismo_Boy

    My Skyline

    The sunroof rubber is apart of the glass section and the rubber cannot be bought/replaced. I had a pretty bad leaking one in one of my R32’s in the past. There really isn’t a solution; you might find an auto trimmer who could have an idea on something to keep the roof watertight for the time being however. The glass/rubber unit from Nissan is about $1500 pending what Nissan dealer ship you call and whether you no someone in parts. The roof is really easy to pull out, so it’s all DIY. Car looks clean though, bring it along to SCC08! http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Sk...20-t238760.html
  10. So you’re admitting he rips people off, all be it not as much as everyone else? That’s pretty good publicity. Go into marketing or something. Cheer up Princess; he’ll still let you suck his wang for backing him up.
  11. I’d say your on the money. An ex Mcrae 2door was £100,000 on a UK race car site
  12. Go ya half. You do the NSW rounds I’ll do the QLD rounds
  13. I do agree. Speeding anywhere is not legal and sometimes a friendly chat can go along way. You seem like a fair officer and gave some heads up on an area and I’m sure those who use that road will appreciate it. “Looking to impound his car” I think was the wrong way about it however.
  14. Can be impounded. Just hope he doesn’t have a highflying solicitor who will put a stop to it. More so now I have made your possible intentions apparent with the Porsche Club. Just to let you know, I have had my car kept out of being put into Police impoundment as the hand held laser was deemed to have too many variables that could have been challenged in court. Situation happened in Queensland, laws might differ ever so slightly. Speed was obviously claimed to be over the legal limit. I challenged the CMC over a local officer who took it upon himself to pull me over every weekend for an RBT and roadside inspection, as he didn’t like my car and obviously attitude. Media got wind, officer ended up at another station. How is pulling me over for an RBT harassment? It’s not I guess. The system works if you know how to utilize the law.
  15. Or one of these. http://www.subaruwrcspares.com/1.html
  16. In the past I have. I personally wouldn’t try and build one; in my past dealings specialist workshops are extremely expensive to prep them. But who isn’t with any race/club car preparation. I’d be looking at picking up something along the lines of what’s been posted on my105 or seeing what’s for sale at the Porsche Club track days. I’d obviously encourage you to steer clear of anything with a 915 gear box, my driving probably has a lot to do with my hate and financial expense those devil boxes have created. That and 2.7lt motor’s, think of the 3.0lt’s as the “rb20” like a good rev to keep them going, where as the 3.2lt’s are more of an “rb25”. A bit docile power comes off up high. We had some 964 cams put into a 3.2lt we had and it made it more enjoyable. Driving style in my opinion needs to be adapted to suit these cars, again possibly lack of experience compared to the hard-core racers who have been doing it longer then I’ve been alive. Never the less it was a learning curve/experience. The shitty K-Jetronic injection is rubbish in my opinion. Compared to skylines and the likes the N/A’s do feel slow in a straight line but as a package, a well set up package I might add.. You’ll get a smile, as will the sound of an EFI ITB set up. We did the whole Weber phase for a while and it was more heartbreak then heart thumping. A lot already have a well-sorted engine package and a tried and tested torsion bar set up, of if you’re lucky someone has footed the bill for a coilover conversion. Up keep wasn’t too bad if your not comparing it to a family sedan. Parts are hideously expensive unless you seek out a bargain online. Porsche Brisbane wanted something like $5k for valve steam seals fitted where as an enthusiast mechanic who knew Porsche’s was half that. I’m born and bread air cooled 911’s, but we’d get a GT3 next time as it’s a lot less hassle more reliable and cheaper to make quick HP wise. In saying that, some of those GT3 cup challenge cars built on the early 911 shells are ridiculously competitive.
  17. It’s just a nicer box and physically much larger then a 915. Still pretty rank when you’ve come from a more modern gearbox. My biggest problem was coming from a Trust gear set where I could “smash” it into gear as quick and as hard as I liked, to learning to drive essentially and older more primitive car. I have no idea if “slow synchros” is a technically correct term, but the way all the old 911 blokes explained it to me was “slow synchros” = “slow gear changes”, get it right and you’ll be much quicker.
  18. The G50 is the ducks nuts if you can get a hold of one if you’re an older 911 owner. G50 came in around the mid – late 1980’s in the turbo and non-turbo cars. Start at around $4/5k and upwards of $8k/$9k for a rebuilt one from a workshop. Need to horse around with cutting torsion bars in the early shells to make them fit though. The 915 is the work of the devil.
  19. It’s track only. It’s a JMS car. The guy is a poll smoker.
  20. This one? Shame about the 915 box. I've killed more then I care to remeber.
  21. Is this thread serious? You couldn’t issue him with a speeding fine now anyway. Wouldn’t tracking him down in the attempt to impound his car be borderline harassment.. I know I’ve issued harassment complaints for things a lot less.. Vic Porsche car club has been sent this link.
  22. Geez this R33 has been for sale for yonks, started off high $30k/$40k even from memory. Looks like it’s good buying. The GT3 cup challenge car? I second this motion. No more my105 links. Joe Public will come along and buy something then crash it while doing sick city laps
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