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Everything posted by Nismo_Boy

  1. Couldn’t tell you to be honest.
  2. If not more, there were only a hand full (about 5) OS twin cam heads made for the 4 cylinder and roughly 20 or so twin cam OS heads made for the 6 cylinder. OS has been approached a lot of times by very wealthy influential people and American business’s wanting more castings made and they just simply wont, nor sell the casting mould.
  3. Thanks for the advice guys, I don’t drift. I’m involved with hill climbs, sprints and motorkhana’s. Obviously club level, but I’ve been doing it on and off for years and was involved with establishing a local hill climb here. So on merits alone, don’t think I’d scrap in without the correct CAMS license for race only import. Thanks for your help
  4. The sheer cost in removing items and replacing them, plus compliance cost then converting it all back to its modified state isn’t financially feasible (in my mind). Now knowing, there is a 12 month window, it’s just cheaper for me to look locally for something close to what I want and adapting it to suit my needs. Or apply for my Circuit Racing license and just do the required number of events I believe is stipulated from CAMS
  5. Thanks Craig, Was more of a hypothetical situation to just bring an eligible car over (an never end up complying it) and just use it for off road use, as I only hold a level 2 CAMS license, not a Circuit Racing/Level 3 CAMS license. But if the consequences after the 12month window is crushed/exported it’s not worth the effort. Thanks.
  6. If I were to import a car that was on the list of *RAWS/SEVS? compliable imports, however choose not too do it straight away, what is the time frame I have to get it done by? What happens when that window of time runs out? And do I even have to go ahead with compliance if I choose to keep the car for off road use only? thanks *what ever the new system is called.
  7. No but they were Cordia MSN buddies.. I was scared.
  8. Borrowed, Not stole. Stealing is a crime
  9. My brother likes Cordia’s. Personally I don’t know why. He went and borrowed a “Corida Crt/St” sign. Was good for a laugh at the time
  10. How devastating ACA didn’t reply to my 2 and a half page feed back comment. Will check out the chaser link now
  11. Never thought about the Chasers, the target audience could be wrong though? Need to target narrow minded people who have been brain washed by media and aren’t aware of the flip side stories to all the anti hooning. I could see something on the Chasers being a start of something bigger perhaps, other media may jump on the bandwagon
  12. Yes. I have approached a local news paper (see Sunshine Coast thread), I had also approached another local new paper about 5 months ago, they came, did a story, took photos how ever the Local Police refused to comment, and I was told by an editor connection I have in the advertising department that the Police told them not to run the story. I have no doubt in my mind that the other paper I have approached will just do the same and end up not running it. Also, I have spoken to ACA about this, with not a huge amount of interest in the past. I left feed back via email on the story last night, I’ll just wait to see if they get back to me.
  13. What a joke. I wounder if ACA will get back to me with the feed back I emailed them.
  14. Instead of complaining on forums about it, voice your opinions back to the media. I have, as per my posts in the sunshine coast thread. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Su...&start=3360 If there are enough enthusiasts for a flip side story, regardless of area it could well be aired.
  15. Saw that, I’ll be waiting to see the full story tomorrow night. I’ve already bailed up ACA once before on all the anti hooning stories when I was approached by them about something else. Problem is, everyone likes to hide behind forums and won’t appear on tv in the event them and or there car would become a target. Shame really.
  16. The price we have to pay for the media brain washing the general public, which in turn only will make the Police enforce this rubbish even more, so “the public” are happy. Everyone should voice his or her opinion to the editor, titled “Hoons Locked Out” [email protected] Maybe if the editor gets a decent response it’ll make it past just another letter to the editor.
  17. I posted this on another forum, but as its relevant to here, I’ll post it as well. In the event the newspaper takes up my offer and you want to have your say, let me know. "So the local paper ran a huge front cover story on "hoons" and how Noosa has the highest amount of impoundments made in all of this state. They asked for readers views, I have the below so far. Ignore grammar and spelling ect:" http://www.questnews.com.au/article/2008/0...noosa_news.html "Hoons Locked Out". My thoughts? As a car enthusiast who lives in Noosa, the local Police are on nothing more then a power trip. I personally have been hounded and badgered by Police due to cars I wish to drive (anything from typical daily driver cars, to import turbo sports cars, to $120,000 Porsches). I have spent at last count at least $35,000 on legal fee’s fighting ridiculous fines and offence’s, all of which I won with the exception to one ticket which I had pled guilty for. I have been personally harassed by local Police officers and “dubbed” all kinds of names. I am still to this date approached by local officers down Hasting Street while I’m at Aromas with friends enjoying food a drinks about what I’m currently driving and they looking out for me. I have been threatened to be “thrown” into jail on many of the times I have been pulled over with no due course or reason, once I make contact with my solicitor or parents by phone the Police retracted there threat. The whole anti hooning act, atleast on the Sunshine Coast is based on discrimination, if I choose to drive a certain make or model of a car and I‘m continually harassed for it, how does that make it different from singling out someone of another race? It’s putting everyone under one name, “black people steal” “Asians are bad drivers” “You drive a nice car, you must be a hoon”. Not to mention the law isn’t the same for everyone. A perfect example is a 40 year old man doing “excess speed” in his late model Holden Commodore and a 20 year old man doing “excess speed” in his late model sports car. The 40 year old man gets the speeding ticket and the 20 year old man gets his car impounded. The law needs to be clear cut for everyone, not singled out by what you drive. We debated this subject at a local car dealership and the local mindset of people out side of the “typical hoon” age believe this should be the case, where is the justice in having two laws for the same offence. There isn’t. A friend of mine was pulled over by local Police on Eumundi Rd in his Lexus as it caught the Police offers attention. He asked what he had done wrong, the officer said he didn’t do anything wrong, so the officer was asked to explain his actions. The officer said his car created un-due attention, even though the officer still said he was doing nothing wrong and let him go. a) That’s discrimination And b) The Police officer had no reason or suspicion to pull him over, other then the officer didn’t like the car in question. A car creating un-due attention by what make or model it is, is not an offence in this state and this situation is a perfect example of discrimination by what you drive. How about the Police start “Policing” un-road worthy cars with bald tires, cut springs, rust and flogged out brakes, apposed to targeting nice cars with race level suspension, tires and brakes in better/safer condition then new cars. I would welcome the opportunity for The Noosa Journal in meeting some of these enthusiasts who take the time and money to actually attended closed race meets at racetracks to compete to tell their side.
  18. The one in my street is the paint falling off one, unless there are two of them lol
  19. It might have a factory spoiler?? Can't say Ive ever taken noticed. Yeh wheels are like some silver/grey colour on it.
  20. You have a twin. It lives in my street.
  21. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Fe...es-t203272.html http://www.tokage-racingimports.com/index....categoryid=0,57 *edit* funky monkey now lives in Brisbane, see if he ended up buying something to test fit?
  22. It’s an S15 M Sports front bar, with the top cut off, molded and made to suit an R33. Custom job, chances are a mould was made by the person who modified the car. Genuine M Sports R33 bar
  23. Salary? Hours?
  24. So did you end up using 32/34 conversion guards, or just going to mod R34 fitment ones?
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