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Everything posted by Nismo_Boy

  1. I dont "cut laps" on the weekend either... Build it and they will come example: coffee night, monday, 8:30pm starbucks meet <insert car park>
  2. Its a monday and its raining...
  3. HAHAHA, Volvo race warz
  4. Pussy... Heard u wana race a Vovlo V70 wagon
  5. I know in Queensland displaying “L” plates and a “P” plate when you’re not on them is a finable offence, which they do enforce here. I showed my father the story on the link, an he said one of his mates was issued a fine in St Kilda for driving his daughters car with P plates still on
  6. I wasn’t aware they came out in the Pulsar's until 1991, well there you go learn something new everyday I just can’t take an all alloy motor serious when it comes to serious power No argument they aren’t better in stock form… I just can think of better motors I’d want to own (I’ve had an Sr20 before). That I think we all agree, they sound pretty… crap.
  7. You make a valid point. Nissan thought, bugger us we need a new engine for our beloved Silvia, lets just turbo the pulsar sr20 and make it RWD to keep everyone happy for a few more years.
  8. They all also make “pancake” style mufflers. The demand is higher for cannons (normally just the cannon it’s self for rice boys in Civics), thus more are made across the board. That and the misconception that only cannons flow.. I’ve had most of the off the shelf Japanese “cannon” exhausts, normally they are fitted right (in terms of angle) like your GTR, my issues with hate towards them are when idiots buy a cheap item and weld them on, on ridiculous angles and due to the poor quality muffler it sounds rubbish. Prime example is some tool in my street with an R32, has gone an got himself a mangaflow cannon on a stupid angle, my Hino truck I hired from budget rental sounded better.. There are plenty of options: polished 4 inch pipe Trust Pancake 4inch straight through pancake I did a 3inch system with no mufflers and a simple tip on a car years ago Remember kids, say no to cannons so people don’t laugh at you
  9. "Cannon" mufflers shouldn't be seen on cars, turbo or not. *waits for "cannon" fags to try an flame me*
  10. Col says: blue is fhat Col says: hey Col says: gehey\ Col says: hagy Col says: gay Joshwa - Is on a natural medication binge says: you're gay Col says: im not gay Col says: mabwey a little but i poke felmales Col says: in the vigana Joshwa - Is on a natural medication binge says: in the ass col Col says: whats the best bit abouyt a 12 year old girl???? Col says: when you tuen her over she is a 12 year old boy..... Joshwa - Is on a natural medication binge says: LOL.. Joshwa - Is on a natural medication binge says: sick man Joshwa - Is on a natural medication binge says: i like it Col says: uy love it Col says: i knowu do Joshwa - Is on a natural medication binge says: what is it i love col Col says: i love u Col says: alot Col says: i gtgt Col says: ran out of beer Joshwa - Is on a natural medication binge says: righto babe Col says: cant drive back to the computer Col says: will crash Col says: oin the the hall way Joshwa - Is on a natural medication binge says: LOL true aye
  11. More to follow
  12. COL SHOULDNT USE MSN WHILE DRUNK Col says: i drank too much Joshwa - Is on a natural medication binge says: proof? Col says: damn lujcnh time beers got to me Col says: makde me drink more Col says: dman platiums's Joshwa - Is on a natural medication binge says: hahaha Col says: 2.0 standard drinks Joshwa - Is on a natural medication binge says: u had shandys u faggit Col says: f**kers are too easy to drunk Col says: i ate a whole bag of chips Col says: in less than 30 minutes can u believe that Joshwa - Is on a natural medication binge says: no Joshwa - Is on a natural medication binge says: i need proof Joshwa - Is on a natural medication binge says: in video form Col says: they were tastey Col says: im not into HOFF videos Joshwa - Is on a natural medication binge says: lame Joshwa - Is on a natural medication binge says: i am Col says: i like hokk Col says: hoff Col says: im ea Col says: mean Joshwa - Is on a natural medication binge says: i like me Col says: im fully hardcore and shit Col says: drunk by 4pm Col says: in the afternnon Col says: and jim beam had nothign to do with it this time Col says: it was all beer Col says: dsamn platinums Joshwa - Is on a natural medication binge says: hahah beer ftw Col says: beer is good Col says: 2.0 drinks per beer is the best Col says: i love rain Col says: rain is good\ Col says: like grass, i love grass and the rian loves grass Col says: and the grass loves rain Col says: its all good Joshwa - Is on a natural medication binge says: im copying this convo into whore town Col says: whos hwpre toen Col says: arrrhhhhh sau whoretine Col says: im with it Col says: im not tht bad Col says: i have not fallen from my chair yet Col says: binge drinking is for good people Col says: like me and u Col says: we are good people Col says: drinks for us Joshwa - Is on a natural medication binge says: lots of drinks col baby Col says: no enough josh Joshwa - Is on a natural medication binge says: have some more? Col says: i only have about 14 bottes left Col says: i need renee to cook tonight Col says: or i will die Col says: i dont wanta die Col says: cook for me, pleawsee Joshwa - Is on a natural medication binge says: what should i cook Col says: oi will die with no food Col says: streak Joshwa - Is on a natural medication binge says: im not streaking for u Col says: i want mash potsto Col says: and pasta Col says: and cheese Col says: and tomato sauce Joshwa - Is on a natural medication binge says: blue cheese? Col says: and steak Col says: sick to blue cheese Col says: blue cheese is for p&o cruises to get people sikc Joshwa - Is on a natural medication binge says: HAHAHA
  13. Can always clip those kays back come resale. I mean, no thats not legal dont do such a thing
  14. Daily driving the R34 would make panda's cry, racking up kays, fuel usage ect
  15. Being a real estate agent, I was on commission, so I made as much as I wanted to just by selling more, bit hard to set your own wage in non-commission industries. Over it though, hence looking for the right salary package within sales, just probably not real estate
  16. Had an interview this week, and im flying down to Melb on the 23rdish of this month for another interview... Haha, I do apply for jobs, just if the salary package isnt enough or if they dont offer a company car Im not too interested.
  17. Your tax’s pay for me to do sweet f**k all. 21+ classed as an independent, can claim all kinds of shit while still living at home haha. On a serious note though, I left my real estate job as I lost my drivers license, now that Ive had it back for a while ive just been too lazy to get back into it
  18. I dont work anymore lol.
  19. Myspace - approve, reply back to people ect Emails MSN ------------ Eat food Clean the pool ect -------- Cut pimp laps in the Porsche if its here ------- Thats a day in the life of me.
  20. Im 2 hours behind I woke up late haha
  21. Josh doesn't look impressed as he wants that for lunch
  22. that'll cost him
  23. proof?
  24. boy sauce.
  25. I like ur nana
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