True, however you will find that certain cars are targeted for no reason. Yes, people drive like knobs, yes it happens in "targeted/black listed" hoon cars however not everyone is like that. In theory cars don't attract attention it’s meant to be the driver, however that’s a total lie as now just owning one style of car is the attention in its self.
I guess it's kinda like me saying all black people steal, which is not true. The Police can’t single out every Skyline/Supra/insert import here driver. I had this conversation with the Police prosecutor before I went into Court yesterday in fact.
In regards to young people in accidents the Media and Police forget to mention the other people involved half the time. Yes we always here the stats on people under 25 but the fact of the matter is there is a higher % of people in Australia over 25 who have and are involved in more accidents then the under 25's.
Unfortunately the hoon band wagon media story still sells and will continue too, thus we will always be raped.