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Everything posted by Nismo_Boy

  1. I see some of them hanging out at harry dinners from time to time, dead set fattest, nerdest bunch of twat heads ever. They try and be like Offtopic.com but cant quite pull it off.
  2. Make a thread with all the links to your old posts. something like "ASK ME ANYTHING" then a reminder with the old threads. It'll get to like 20 pages by this time tomoa.
  3. You dont know me well enough, if you think I "need" a car to be stolen. Maybe when you know me a bit better you'll no how umm not legit I am. No, Im moving house in a few weeks, our house is like a wrecking yard/mechcanics/panel beaters. You'd be suprised what we get done here.
  4. One of the 4 rims is cracked. It cant be welded/fixed. all the trim is in, minus seats now. I dont have boot trim as it has a custom boot install. I can get a RWC anyday of the week, agian doesnt mean shit though. You will still be pwned by cops with defects. Im really not that keen on painting it to be honest, im half way through moving house, and we already have a land cruiser in to get painted, then I think a corolla.
  5. Id say maybe a piss take?
  6. Im sure you'll remeber
  7. I can get one now, doesnt mean its a legal one. I've already said why it won't pass a legal one... So agian: Too low, coilover travel does not meet legal requirements, no cats, too loud need to put rear trim back in, and tires are f**kED. Technically need to change the color of the car on the transport data base to match rego sticker.. Its a brand new gearbox witch cost me $3k, the motor still pulls great. I still beat basic S13's and S14's on the highway.
  8. Sign up, agian. u have nothing better to do.. Law_Kid lol
  9. I duno, i was around way before her though
  10. I know what my car used to be like - Seeing I do own it and all lol.
  11. Yes. She is a mole like her friend Nismo_Girl They both need to die.
  12. Maybe if I was drunk, and you were emo with a sick fringe
  13. I go out of my way to start shit on PF.com I know how much matteh likes to start shit hhahah http://www.performanceforums.com/forums/sh....php?t=67214036 http://www.performanceforums.com/forums/sh...5#post839756575
  14. I don't have a bad swing either... Im like a little dog, so small angry hahah, sometimes they f**king hurt when they bite
  15. Im already covered. I still can swing a batt pretty f**king well too.
  16. im aware of the repayments...
  17. ease up tiger. I'm no Malaysian "Ah Long"
  18. I know how it works, but Lee is nice, he gets a decent deal.
  19. Im a nice shark, I let them set their own weekly repayments. lol, i kinda just wana brake lee's legs though
  20. I can't release 30k right now, I have cash at home, but I want a higher rate for a smaller amount... Im serious, I will have your f**king legs broken lol.
  21. its not even worth $25k
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