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Everything posted by Nismo_Boy

  1. mark is a clown
  2. hahah go to chilli
  3. hence the national data base, which is never up dated. as i said, im no even on teh data base as ever holding a license in QLD... there system sucks
  4. better option, however I cannot live there, America is a lot more easy for numerous reasons.
  5. hahaha, christopher skase is my hero.. The race for Skase.. More like the race for Joshwa. Being serious though, I'm willing to take the risk. Chance's are the outcome wont be much tomora
  6. That is a risk I’m prepaid to take, to not give the Police the satisfaction of physically taking my license as I voluntary had surrendered it. Worst case they try and extradite me from California, I laugh at them going to such an effort for what really would be a pretty minor case in terms murder for example.
  7. thats correct, however the national data base wont get updated, im not even listed as a licensed driver, shows just how slack they are, and only keep an eye on their own state systems. So, yeh I could go and apply and take the test for a vic license, just have to watch out for where i drive in qld
  8. I have no idea. it depends what happens tomora, as im walking away from the case, they cant suspened me, as i dont have a license.
  9. What time? lol. In short, I was appealing a suspension, and they were opposing it with 4 years of evidence as to why Im no longer fit to hold a license. I ditched the license, they can't oppose shit now.
  10. It's a much better choice, however it is a HUGE effort now to get my license back. I do weird things, I just didn't want to give the Police the joy and satisfaction of beating me.
  11. Well, I wouldn’t be able to apply for another Queensland license until I know what the out come will be. I could in theory, apply for a Vic license next week, however without knowing the outcome of tomorrow I’m unsure. I basically surrendered my license out of pure spite, so the Police didn’t get the chance/joy of taking it away. Even when I lose, I still win. I wouldn’t be on my opens on my Vic license, I believe I would be on my last years of P’s? where as QLD is slack, and I had been on my opens
  12. TND will be with out Joshwa im sorry to say
  13. Im at noosa TND at sunnie coast next week xoxoxox
  14. As I surrendered my license Karen, there is no time frame, it’s permanent! So no more license until I do another driving test
  15. No quite.. How can Queensland Police rule a suspension for X time frame, when I don’t have a license? Now, I hear you all say they can put forward perhaps a suspension to take effect when I go get my license again (go through the testing crap). How ever, as I surrendered my license before anything could be ruled in the courts, I can in fact go get my Vic license, as no suspension can be recorded, even it were to be I have had the national (Aus Wide) data base checked, and I’m not listed on it for anything, not even holding a license – Proves how often this is updated. VIC Roads don’t have a problem with me getting a Vic license and taking the test, and they can’t see any little black marks to my name, let alone me even being on the data base. Down side is, QLD can still ban me from driving in their state on another states license, risk I will take.
  16. We it’s a official No more license, I have too much pride, so I Voluntary Surrendered my license. There is more to it then the above, however we wont speak about this over an internet forum Runs to *msn*
  17. Sorry kids, I’m out. RE: License You have no idea how much anger I have right now
  18. shinanagins?
  19. I think tonight will be rather funny!
  20. Siff shank, I bleed easy. No one wants to see me die, maybe just in slight pain, but not dead haha
  21. :sorcerer:
  22. Search > Name > 1st name + last name > enter
  23. roflz.. Siff they don't have myspace
  24. Actually I do, however sharing is caring. Siff try and get me to bite, too early in the day for that
  25. Pics of the females?
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