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Everything posted by Nismo_Boy

  1. Hahah!! True, true. But I guess it’s a each to their own thing with personal taste. I personally have never seen the point, I guess some people can and have.
  2. That crazy guy got so much ruckus for his stupid behaviour. How much money do you reckon he spent on fixing his ripped lawn all those times? Hahah!! We won’t mention all that expanda foam in his letterbox…
  3. You newb's are too easy to stir up. 99.8% of my post's on here are pure shit stir, seeing your not 02, you wouldn't understand my humour. I hate my Lexus; I’ve made mention too many times to count about regretting getting rid of my R32. I only bastardized The LS400 as 1) I can, and 2) Don’t care about it. If I ever needed a decent real performance car to drive, I just took my fathers Porsche
  4. I’ve seen the prices. Each to there, I guess it depends on what yo use the car for. Dry carbon doors are about $5k each from the States for example. Those Carbon/fibreglass hoods are lighter compared to crappy Gtst hoods, GTR how ever, I’m not sure, I know some one did a weight comparison a while a go, and there was no difference. Doesn’t mean all the Carbon/fibreglass products are like that I guess though
  5. I don’t see why people waste their time on Carbon products, unless its dry carbon. Then again, most people on here are kids, and want it for looks. Most of the Carbon products aren’t even light with their fibreglass centre layers.
  6. I don't get it, but aye I'll go along with the story.
  7. I already have a medal you f**king tool.
  8. A push bike? I had a drunk throw a beer bottle, at my GTR bonnet, worst dent ever. I came back with a hocky stick *look sat NIZ33* Pretty sure you might have been there?
  9. We're talking about fines are we hahaha!! I am the fine god., fear me for my 30+ points
  10. Anyone will common sense will know not to come out for atleast the next month. The cops are already out to get “hoons”, and now this with the Supra has only sparked more anger with them.
  11. I’m sceptical at 500rwhp. But that’s not the point.. Rodgers mates drive this Supra like fools, if in fact it was one of his mates driving; this crash does not surprise me to be honest. Shame though, was a nice car, and sounded sexy as. I believe tonight on the New’s they did yet ANOTHER Hoon story, using this Supra? Or perhaps it’s on tomorrow.
  12. She thought all you toey teens would have condoms in your wallets ready to go
  13. I wish I still had it, was on my old pc, which is long gone
  14. He is cute as a button! He looks almost as young as me, and I'm 12. HAHAHAHAH!
  15. I'm sorry this quoted can be taken another way
  16. This man looks up to me, literally. And it’s not often some one is shorter then me haha
  17. I'll kil your little car in my gas truck hahaha, bogan lift kit aite
  18. 114.3x5....
  19. Unless rims are brand name, I don’t touch them now, those stupid speedy rims I have now are rubbish, they are made in china from very low-grade material, which bends easy on the awesome noosa roads we have. I’ve heard of lots of the knock off’s doing this as well. I guess if your going to run a bigger profile, its ok though.. I’ve spent more then what the rims are worth getting them un-bent and fixed too many times
  20. I’ve always liked these BBS rims, but they’re going to be more then $2k
  21. Your budge isn’t huge, which is a problem, what about some mild looking “VIP” rims? They normally work pretty well? Some work emotion’s might be ok in 19’s, white car, bronze wheels. IMHO I liked the look my car had when it was running big work VS KF rims, may not work on the IS200 though. Maybe photo chop?
  22. Shite set with tire stretch are $380ea or if you want what I was running they are $1500ea retail, but old mate at tire power said he’ll do trade for $1100ea.
  23. my 20x10's need a referb, and one has had a minor repair, which could be re done much better. Make me an offer. They went under my car with 285's with a slight lip roll (R32 stylez haha)
  24. Budget, size, style, wana do body work. Give me something to work with
  25. Matt, I can’t help with who can do it for “free” lol, it’s not hard to campaign a car for some form of sponsorship though.. Just do a business plan, but for a car. Your dads companies will help HEAPS, has they aren’t small, so work shops could see a benefit coming on board even if all you dad does is just put stickers on the car. I just used the Silvia, Porsche and my R32 as “pulling power” to get interest… mainly. The R32 was easier then the Lexus, but was still do-able, the unknown worried a few people, as no one knew how the package would work. AB Flug built a TT 2jz 6 spd Celsior years ago, which worked, ended up running 10’s….
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