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Everything posted by Nismo_Boy

  1. Agree to disagree? This thread can continue to on forever. Both sides have points; both sides are far too narrow-minded to give up.
  2. Having sold mine shouldnt make them any less believable? As mentioned, pick up an old issue of #33 ZOOM, and there is the S13. You’re more then welcome to get in contact with the current owner in South Australia, if you would like his details. A simple search of my name on this forum should bring up the build up photos. As with the R32 James (Nigno) now owns that car, again how am I hiding these cars? They are still around for anyone to see. James said he is more then happy to run his R32, however Gydndier is closed to the public, and I have no idea if he has any intentions in doing competition events out side drifting. Sure, the opportunities do exist for people to front up. But as said, in what? I own a car not suitable, and have no real desire to get something else sort term. Plus, continuing my career at the point is far more important to me. The only thing I have heard about new events up said road is, there has been talk. Talk about what events I don’t know, when I don’t know either. I have nothing to do with Noosa Beach Classic Car Club anymore, and most defiantly not the HRCC. I personal think this shire is ridiculous, so again why would I have my pulse on these? This without a doubt makes you sound worse then all of "us" the "teen racers". Throwing bricks? Dead set nice work. These residents thought they owned the road and took it upon them selves to continuingly use it as their own personal walking track. Don't get me started on these same residents STINGING UP WIRE between trees for "us" motor bikers.. Ah, hello.
  3. Tim, We are not suggesting sliding is quicker in all cases, we are saying some of the corners benefit from this. A prime example is the grand stand corner… Each to their own. Maybe I lack the common sense you speak of, but I for one did not care what happened up on this road, as well as others. I go a damn lot easier with some one else is in the car, but when I'm on my own, what do I have to lose. I enjoy trying to beat my own times I guess.
  4. Yet again, you missed the point. The road in question is GYDNDIER DRIVE, NOOSA. Not any other road, track or fu*king country. You seem to talk down Street tires? Hardly run Bob Jane All Rounders.. Different league of racing, but les talk RH9 cars? Street tires.. Not all of them are shite you know. The point is, the times are done on one road, Gydndier Drive, in incredibly quick, and well set up cars. I sense disbelief about this said S13? I encourage you to track down #33 of ZOOM; at the present time of the write up it was the fastest street registered S13 Silvia in Australia and New Zealand. You keep asking me to reproduce these times on another track? Or race a certain type of car, or person. I have no doubt in my mind I could not come close ON ANOTHER track, however will stake a large sum of money I would hold my own game well enough, once used to said track and car. Of course, you would have to define what ones game was to be held, in order to establish what the outcome is. As you keep missing what we are discussing here, these cars, one road. Not these cars, any other track and or road. I never said I don’t have "race experience", I said I had limited being on a closed track, not road. This does not make one any less capable, enough money, the right people, tuition and cars generally helps. The fact I choose not to spend countless hours on a legal track is completely irrelevant. What is done on one can and is done on open roads, all bar less safe and not legal. We could sit here and dispute about this until time ended. The fact is, we know this road well enough, we have/had cars equipped well enough to do these times on this road, also, speaking for myself as I can't for the other’s I honestly did not care if I wrote my car off, so pushed it a lot harder then most would.
  5. 4 x Schneider 6 ½ inch coaxial 2 ways with cross overs. Model: SX-602c Very good condition, about 2 years old, new replacement cost then wasn’t shy of $2k for the set. Crossover box’s are in good condition, some marks and chips on the plastic only. I don’t have any specs on the speakers, so you’ll have to Google. No idea what to ask? $600 plus postage OBO 1x Digital Designs 3515d Subwoofer (3500 series), peak power 3200, 15inch in size ect ect. $800 plus postage OBO These items came out of my 6000rms, 140db set up. This is what is left. None of the items have been thrashed or abused. But are in used condition. I am in South East Queensland. Photo's posted tonight.
  6. You can’t Jay; you are in your “20 something” age bracket and own a modern Nissan. It’s just not possible for you to run quick at all. Haha, LOVE YOU LONG TIME SQUIZZY This car is going to an out right machine, just needed some love, endless time and dedication from someone like your self. Unfortunately for me I wasn’t able to do that at the time. Mass love for the car James! I want some passenger seat erection time when she is back. Catch ya on the 30th buddy :sorcerer:
  7. What do any of your replies have to do with anything for that mater? The original point, which has completely gone thanks to your stupid posts were, numerous Nissans running quick times on JUST GYDNDIER DRIVE. No mention of other racetracks, times, records. Teach a parrot enough words long enough, and he’ll be saying them clear and constant. You seem so narrow minded and just can't see past people who have driven that road for, as long as its been the “Hill climb” are able to run what is a very impressive time in a well set up, well sorted car – That is a far car from any slapped together, small budget “teen racer”. Age, and dedicated legal track time, for “competition” experience should have nothing to do with it? Who are half dozen “teenagers” racing against? No one, except our selves. You can’t keep up with this thread? You are the one who keeps changing it, needing car and racing profiles from everyone for reassurance? Which then in turns brings in new information, which you feel the need to pull apart and quote. You seem to know what your talking about, which is a plus considering the majority of people on here, are just members as they own a Skyline, why don’t you share some of your credentials? Obviously you were meaning all the cars I had originally mentioned times for, including the RUF. It wasn’t until I made mention in one of my last post’s it was, well and ex race car your attitude did a complete flip, and concentrated just on the Nissans. It’s understandable that your sour, at people like us. Jealousy is a bitch. Then again, I don’t know you; you could buy all of us for all I know. Chance’s are you can’t however. Take a bunch of wealthy kids with the opportunity to have superior streetcars to most, and put them on a road long enough, they are going to break something, and it’s not the cars that’ll brake. As for John (NA_R33) and our buddy in the R31, they would have to be some of the most experienced and quickest drivers I have seen. My money is on they’ve kicked your ass out at Mt Cotton more then once. I don’t need to brag on the Internet, anyone (most old school SAU People) who have met me, will know this. Refer to my constant reassurance paragraph you clearly need. I’m fully aware my “self-worth” is ridiculously large; to sum me up in person I’ll just quote myself.
  8. You are dead set making a complete fool out of your self, every time you post. Not to mention will only look stupid on any future events. What’s age got to do with anything? Like wise driving time on a legal track? I’ve been driving longer then I have held a legal license, with coaching and training from some of the most knowable (non professional) circuit drivers along the way, EG: they are in it for a hobby not career drivers. The fact one has not spent countless hours on a racetrack does not make them some how less capable. I won’t even get into my time riding moto-x, as it’s not that relevant to cars. Majority of the hill climb specials at this years hill climb were powered by bike motor’s I believe, sure, their power to weight is great. BIG HP, I doubt it, 100 – 120hp would be fair. I agree that they are a far superior set up to streetcars, that’s a given. But to say our, or my cars for that matter are slapped together is a joke. My fathers RUF 911 he had, has extensive race history in the late 1980’s when it was in California, then fast forward to when it was a club car when first imported to Australia in Tasmania to when VIP Pet Foods bought the car and completely rebuilt it for track work. Far cry from any SLAPPED together “teen” racer. Came in at around 1200kg in street trim to boot. Same deal with the 600rwhp S13 I had made mention of, $60k - $70k ground up rebuild, again I don’t understand how you are judging these as a lesser competition car? Regardless wether I used them at official events or not. And yet the same again, my old R32, far cry from stocker with Teins, the motor alone was atleast a $25k build up, then the car and running gear on top. Full strip, and had extensive club day only history in Japan. I never put the car on a weight bridge, but was lead to believe it was a low 1100kg car. I’m sure Nigno will confirm as he might have had the weight checked at some stage. There are no excuses; you’re just a nobody who is far to clueless. I would take you up on your Mt Cotton offer, but due to a career decision I drive a rather basic Lexus, which would have to be the most ridiculous thing to even enter in a competition. I don’t normally make violent threats on the Internet, as its well quite beneath me, but I encourage you to come up to Noosa, just so I can drop you on the ground. Before you jump on the assault soapbox, it won’t be the first time my family has gotten me off those
  9. <<<< FTW!! Bolt cutters - Check IN FOR FUN! If only that Lemon spec 11thy rwkw r31 could come out, hell the owner is like fulli hetick ex F1 driver too. I’ll cut the locks and you bring blacky out!! Hell I’ll go you haves in the fuel to see it run, and smash the times.
  10. My times got quicker? It’s facts buddy, quicker car, quicker times, generally that happens. Notice I said, "59's if not better" your stupidity is laughed at on here. And the fact you seem so un-aware other people could possibly run these times out side of the event. Clearly oblivious when the road was open quite a few locals had also used the road for practice leading up to the event. I guess that makes them street racers too? Shame I don't come to SAU events and meets too often anymore, maybe the next time there is a skyline run up to the Sunshine Coast, you should come, will be fun. I'm aware the road is only used for these two events; ironically I live here in Noosa and have a pretty good idea on what’s going on. As you stated I am talking about times done on it as a public road, or "street racer times" as you kindly put it. None of the MG's are owned anymore, I thought you would have known that seeing you’re obviously in the motoring loop? Never the less it appeared you wanted perhaps some form of motoring profile from my self? So you got it. Oh and BINGO on the rich daddy, rich son thing. It's common knowledge on here, but why does this matter? It’s not relevant. I guess using your theory on records at events, private track day times are not counted, as technically its not an “event” as such? I’m well aware my generation did not invent sliding/drifting. I may be an egotistical, pretensous, arrogant prick, however I am not stupid.
  11. This is true. We are no match for old school technology and push rod power. Much like the mentality of Ma and Pa kittle racer’s at some of these events.
  12. It’s ok danny boy, I still love ya. When you come up next I’ll teach you the spiritual ways at LXU55 enterprise HQ. We need another funny dinner night (calls old school people). OmG lEeT FoOlIe sick R31. I hope he come's of the cliff. We would giggle, and maybe even "lol"
  13. You need to take me for a spin next time I down!! I miss power Built rb25, twin hks turbos, over sized piston’s, mass head work. HUGE motor build. Car is in an old HPI and ZOOM mag.
  14. Supply me with a 500 – 600rwhp car, with suspension and braking to match and you get the shire to open the road with time for me to get used to the car and I’m happy to. The only proof is members on this forum and some VHS footage, which is in car only. Never the less perhaps can dig it up *looks at shnaped_second* You still have that tape that Bazz took with us going up? The time the old bumkin followed us to the BP? I swear that day was close to above times, can't remeber. For interest sake, the s13 ran a 10.8 on pump gas and low boost, so a stupidly quick car, compared to what is entered at the Hill Climb. The R32 would only be speculating in regards to 1/4 mile times as it only saw the M1 fun club straight line.
  15. I was waiting for you to reply hrd-hr30, you would have to be without a doubt one of the biggest wankers on here with no idea on just whom I am. Warwick can stick his “track” record, as it’s only an event record, other people use that road you know. Plus as per what Jamie said above («Cyph3r») record is Neil Farr’s 54.xx. None of my times are official, as they were never done at the event. Off the top of my head it was around the 55 – 56 sec pass in a 600rwhp s13, the very high 50’s in my 500rwhp R32 and I did a 62 in my fathers RUF 911, interesting none of the old timers have caught onto sliding around the corners, amazing how much quicker you can get up there. Something to do with old people being far too narrow minded perhaps. As to my own racing experience I think it’s been quite clear most of mine is done off track, minus some Porsche stuff here and there. You’re opinion really means shite to me to be honest; I’ve been involved within the motor sport scene long enough, admittedly off the track. Everything from the Arthur’s seat hill climb, which family had a huge part in running, to involvement with gran prix racing MG's at Phillip Island and everything in-between, together with my father owning one of the most complex, MG collections within Australia, including owning the oldest MG within Australian and second oldest in the world. But fu*k, seeing you know so much; I assume you already knew my credentials as well as my family’s.
  16. Aren’t Autobarn GReddy/Trust suppliers these days, which would mean decent parts I guess using your Autobarn theory means they’re not though… I do agree they have some rubbish products how ever. None of our cars run cannons, so I guess I’m safe in that department. I’ll let some of the young guys know down at QR and Willowbank know not to wear their flat brim hats anymore as Tango said not to as well. Lucky you brought it up, I was almost going to buy a new hat too, don’t want to fall into the Tango stereotypical crowd, seeing your opinion is so import. Let me guess… You’re in your mid 30’s? You must be close seeing you have been in the “sceen” since the 80’s..
  17. I bought items from Autobarn for my fathers $110k+ RUF Does this make me perhaps some "common" crowd person now?
  18. Same cars, same people different year. I even got in a fight with a marshal today haha! shnaped_second and my self both have done atleast a 59 seconded pass if not quicker, 32DET. You learn the road when you drive it nearly every weekend. When can I have my $50?
  19. Nismo_Boy


    Some one should tell him it's a fake and to change his add to "look a like" 4 door GTR lol.
  20. Meow?
  21. Im 5`7, 72ishkg and look like im 12. I dont bitch slap, im too cute to be hurt.
  22. I should be banned from typing. I make no sense. And im not bent haha scary
  23. People who say "I lol'd" in real life shit me off. so yeah and some one told and a funny and we all lol'd" true story btw, some one used the word lol'd in a convo with me
  24. This one time, this girl i knew used to know Meow'd. Oh wait.. *kekeke*
  25. This man tells a true story
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