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Everything posted by Nismo_Boy

  1. Rb20det, ecu, fuel system, cooler. Older HKS 2540 turbo. Any recommendations on what cam shafts to use? I’ve noticed a lot recommending the Tomei Poncam for rb25’s in my search, opinions on this for rb20? The turbo will eventually be upgraded to a bigger top mount of some description; so ideally don’t want to change cams again. Thanks.
  2. I'll build one you....
  3. Now to preach this on nissansilvia.com and the world would be a happier place.
  4. Depends wether it was on a public road, or a private road/track. Example, I make claim this is a private road. Thus we’re covered :sorcerer:
  5. VL, VN - VS all make 1000hp, at the one wheel in the rain. True story.
  6. This is true, how ever I like my cars to handle, and IMHO legal has never worked for me.
  7. The naughty corner.. Kinky. Can I wear a latex suit and a gimp mask in there?
  8. I used to be a huge fan of fulcrum.. Until I used them. They smashed up the underside of my car and couldn’t care, had a whinge my coilovers have no travel and are not legal and said they wont work on my car unless its legal height. Not to mention, they didn’t pick up on my car having adjustable camber arms and were quoting a ridiculous amount for custom made items. I’m sure they are great for basic set ups… Anything else I’m sceptical now My 2 cents
  9. Damn right those air brakes are louder! I can’t believe they get away with it. I’ve only been defected once for a Bov and at the same time bald tires. I debated the point that there are no harmful emissions, and requested he showed me where it said he could defect me for having it “ATMO”. He couldn’t do or show anything, which was a surprise seeing it was Traffic Task Force… I ended up with a minor defect, self-clearing 1 point and $75 ticket. Wasn’t worth the time taking it to court over $75 and just 1 point.
  10. Some one we know took this fine to court, and won. And to my knowledge the law still hasn’t’ changed. There is no “law” against ATMO Bov’s. END STORY, what naughty emissions do they let out? None, its air.. Unfortunately the Police choose not to follow on this, and still write tickets. The only thing they legally can defect you for is the noise of the bov. Which would technically fall under undue noise, I’m not aware of any “legal” db Bov limit - Thus it's the officer’s own discission with what’s undue and what’s not By all means some one can correct me (if you have the “law “to quote), but this has been proven in court and won.
  11. Sorrento, Paradise Waters, Chevron Island, Broad Beach Waters, Isle Of Capri.
  12. In for page one.
  13. Yeah, it’s where people take Nissan junk to up grade to a Toyota, and the fine engineering that comes along with it's ownership. If some one wants to drive me I’ll come along, maybe even give sexual favours
  14. Col is scared of my V8 so he won't let me come Where is the love!
  15. Ok after a long convo with Vic Roads (wrote the thread while I was on the phone waiting haha) the girl I was talking to said, no points will roll over when transferring the license. EG: if I were to transfer before the due date to pick the good behaviour period. I’ll just automatically roll onto a Vic P license, and when I’m 21 I’ll get VIC open license as per normal. How ever, like I said a above, as I wouldn’t have picked an option (Good behaviour/Suspension) in QLD, I would technically be banned from holding a QLD drivers license during that period of time if I wanted to transfer back. The key is to get it all done, before I go onto any suspension or disqualification, by the looks of things. Then again I’m no legal expert. I can technically be a resident as of today if need be due to family and property, so from that point of view I’m covered.
  16. Just out of interest, are the Vic Roads computer networks linked up with other states? Eg: I transfer my license from QLD to VIC, are they able to see history, current good behaviour periods an so forth? For example I may elected for a good behaviour period next month, but it looks like I may be working in Vic before then, so is it possible to just transfer before I have to do anything up in QLD, thus nothing happens but If I’m caught driving in QLD on a VIC license and my QLD history is shown then I would be in the shite? I’ve searched, and checked the Vic Roads web site and can’t find anything. I made a quick call to my solicitor and he is under the impression that if I transfer before I elect anything in QLD I should be right to get my Mexican license.. (Yet couldn’t be 100% until he researched – which would cost me money) Any help would be appreciated. *Note* I have a residence already down there, which would be used, as my address. - Josh
  17. RB = Reliably broken
  18. Btw. Toyota Prius pwnes any Rb26. EVA
  19. We sold the "chilli" white Barina on Ebay... LOL. P.S Dan is my hero.
  20. OMG I still have it. and page to me. Enters/ DEMI GOD
  21. Yeah thats what he said too.
  22. Col made me make love to him... I cried and he laughed at me
  23. Why not ask? I assume it was a genuine question. “Baiting” Police shouldn’t effect the officer’s judgement when issuing a ticket, although we know it can and does. What people fail to remember is, they are nothing more then public servants who enforce the law, and have guidelines they need to adhere to as well. Fortunately for us, they always have their tape recorders out, and if the officer appears to have bitten the “bait” chances are they back down. The last thing the Queensland Police need is taps released to ACA or Today Tonight. 3 of my case’s were dropped by the Police due to this, and their poor attitude, tone in which they spoke to me and the swearing they had used towards me.
  24. Interesting read. Good luck with the case, I’ve been going through rubbish like this for about 4 years, something like $25k+ in legal fees later. One thing to remember if you’re going to make an example of the Police officer later on though is, it will come back in bite you hard. It did for me (then again I live in a small town not in Brisbane). Basically it’s on going issues with the original officer I brought down, now all his Police buddies are pretty much out to get me, and do – Thus I’m ALWAYS in court with fines, win and then humorous cycle of complete BS happen's again with result in another ticket, then court. I get along OK with the Senor Sergent, and first hand information was “ The guy’s think your nothing but a smart ass, they want you, your license or your cars for keeps, I suggest you play it my way or you can deal with them” Despite the above however, I’m actually in the process of trying to take a more recent innocent to task, and having the officer put up for harassment and sued due to loss of income from the stress created. Before all the legal “newb’s” jump on a bandwagon who don’t know me, it’s not really whether I win, as I’m aware I don’t have decent grounds to sue, it’s more the principal, and I want to waste his time. That and money really isn’t a concern.
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