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Everything posted by Nismo_Boy

  1. Mini tubs are for girls; monster dish on 20’s with hand flared guards to wrap over 285’s is where it’s at
  2. Yeh, Ray has done work for me before, awesome at what he does. I worded the thread title wrong, I don’t want a wider band, I just want another band in a better offset to create more dish!!
  3. They look like there a work mesh type, I can't really make out the sticker on inside but it looks like a very faded works sticker. Yet I have genuine AME centre caps… go figure eh There 20x9 or 20x10, fits a 285 very easy..
  4. I’m after wider rim bands for my rear rims, would like a different offset to increase the dish size (3 piece rims). Any info on who makes them or can order them would be rad
  5. I pity you * Euro wana be trash signing in *
  6. I spy with my little eye... SLIP.
  7. I was #2 now im #53 Better be for a good reason hahaha!
  8. Dave, you drive a magna.. there for we shall make you do somthing funny either way.
  9. All these newbs need a humorous task or something to be accepted
  10. Did he bring the inner lip out to make the flare? Or roll the lip as normal and make the flare by just putting more pressure onto the roller?
  11. Undecided weather I’ll pull the inner lip out yet or just roll the lip and create a mild flare with a guard roller.
  12. You just wish you were as emo as us clown! Prob won’t bring LXU55 out this weekend, I need to do a fender pull to fit my 20’s under there
  13. Nah, that was a mate, Sam. He used to have that Laurel, now has the 4dr R32, P-Unit member haha. I was standing next to him, cant miss me, I’m like 5 foot nothing. Matty I'll bring my vegetable out fit next time
  14. We can pimp it yo, in da Lexus aite, while pimpin dem hoe's?
  15. We hang Ben up, and throw funny stuff at him?
  16. Bring the Darkness, k?
  17. I was spotted mwahaha!
  18. Both. Pikie, woody an co ect.
  19. IN - Boat Lexus, nothing too "boonie"
  20. How is your neighbour going?
  21. Charly makes good chilli frys
  22. I’ve known Nina, his ex since she was 14, so kinda met him through her, and through the Dominoes crew.
  23. ROFL.. Benny C bought the R32? How's his kid going?
  24. Hahah, just look at some of these sheep, they all want Nengun’s babies as he is a sponsor of this site.. Some one else in here wants some one else’s kids as well I think... Opp's did I post that out loud It’s all about customer service, and this isn’t the first time some one has had problems with Nengun. Gotta use Greenline Brad, it’s all about Greenline.
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