Speaking of me not giving a shit.. The below is from a driver that will be left un-named, whom lives in an un-named beach town, who drives a white unicorn.
Leaving an un-named persons house, un-named person in his R32 with a mate, another mate is in his GTR (both of these cars are f**koff loud, no trim and have cages) and last in line another mate in his S14. there pulling boost skids and just generally coursing ruckus leaving said house.. As they pull out onto the main road Mr plod and his accomplish pull in behind said cars and off go the lights and serins (Keep in mind said un-named person being quite known already).
You’d think as the Police didn’t see any un-named people muck up, and would have only heard what these people were doing, they’d stop… But no, un-named unicorn R32 driver goes fcuk this we ‘re outta here, un-named driver over takes some nanna on double lines with on coming traffic, cops forget about the other cars and the chase is on for random unnamed clown, un-named and his mate are quite a bit head and off go the head lights, but they see the unicorn pull in, lucky enough not close enough to read the rego though, un-named driver takes off (bare in mind there are small speed humps in this suburbia area and the unicorn R32 is something like 2cm off the ground (if that!).. Unnamed driver cleared the pain in the ass speed trap zone then his gone again! 160kph – 180kph up this hill, un-named driver pulled up quick for a taxi, do the maynover around it, and off again zig zaging through back streets, cops aren’t in site, but serins are still loud enough to be heard.
For those that know said beach town, un-named shot off into said beach town golf Estate and worked his way to a back road we’re there building a resort, all is clear and un-named driver park's and does the runner. Un-named unicorn clown kid calls his old man and he picks un-named clown and his mate up!
Un-named driver learnt one lesson and one lesson only - Cops can’t catch a unicorn!
Those in the know will find this more then funny.