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Everything posted by ossie_21

  1. Good news A lot better than 2 recently that have ended up being trashed & burnt in the middle of nowhere.... Yeah very strange to drive all that way just to take a stereo & smash some windows, hopefully they didn't do anything else. Kelvin if I was in your situation I would get it towed back & then everything checked out, all the fluids replaced, anything like that. They could have put something dodgy in somewhere, fuel tank, radiator, anything. I wouldn't risk driving it, especially if they didn't fill it up with 98 to get there.... I hope where it was stolen from was where you are moving out of...not into for if the car is coming back there. Good luck with getting it all back & repaired Nathan
  2. Feel for you mate
  3. Only if they can't handle a bit of constructive criticism.
  4. Rhys, should you see this cop again, please ask him to remove his head from his own arse. And if he really wants to be taken to court by a number of people for wrongful impounding of a car, for which he would have no evidence & a stack of witnesses against him, tell him to keep running his mouth about it. Also remind him that he has taken an oath to serve truly in his role, which is enforcing the law. That doesn't mean creating his own laws to have all types of cars towed away, probably with absolutely no evidence of anything wrong being done just because he wishes to abuse his power. Which leads me on to the pre-requisites of being a police officer, as comments/actions such as he mentions shows a great lack of integrity, job knowledge, personal communication, intelligence....should I continue?
  5. Just making a point here...what's wrong with the good old single meet-point & a time for a cruise??? It's fair enough if a few people from the same area want to meet up to head to the cruise together & discuss it in the thread, but separate meet-points for the same cruise? Never seen it done like this....
  6. What's wrong with your rims/tyres??
  7. 5 minutes, hai 5! Most commodores rear vision is impaired by a big f**k off skin/unit/show some/thor sticker, so they don't bother looking behind them any more because they can't really see. That's reflected to the rest of their driving habits, true story. Do they make them for men yet??
  8. By fitting a 26 or a 30, they will ask you for an emissions test = decent $$$ now. Plan this one well in advance if you want to go through with it. Why? Really you are supposed to apply for the modifications before beginning them, as their reply would only be a pre-approval which is then subject to an inspection where they will either permit it, or not. By having a sticker & going through the pits if it's not removed you will have to try again x number of times, while if you have the pre-approval & they don't allow it, at least you don't have a defect notice on your car to go with it. It's valid for 2 years so you have the time to get it done, but really when it comes down to it if everything is done properly, chances are there won't be too much of an issue. Not good advice, as going over with a sticker & there is something/s they say you need a permit for, at best you will get an extension to that yellow sticker & then get to play the waiting game to hear back from the tech section about it, which could take weeks. *above comment here too* If those cops were to say that to me I would be taking their details for an official complaint. The brand name is also listed on the permit, so if they were going to sticker me for having a Garrett turbo when my permit lists it as a Garrett turbocharger fitted, I wouldn't exactly be taking it on the chin
  9. Nice foliage.
  10. Parked behind the video shop the other night, just as I'm about to leave a car parks up next to me. Noticed it was a bit close & the driver reversed back & went in again. Was sitting there with the engine running but putting money back into my wallet etc, and as I'm about to leave I hear this bang. Look over & the driver is saying "Hey, be careful!" to the kid in the back, who opened their door right into my car. Then the driver is just looking straight at me for a bit before I get out, and she got out at the same time. Walk around the back of my car & said I hope that wasn't bad. Then she goes what are you on about, nothing happened. Told her bullshit, I heard it. Was checking with my phone light but didn't see anything noticeable before she pretty much pushed me out of the way. Fearing for my life because for the record, she was a fat ugly bitch who I thought was maybe hungry & could have eaten me to keep me quiet. Then some other fat bitch with her was calling me a dickhead & then the kids are saying "It wasn't us, it wasn't us". Then she made some tapping noise on her car & said that's what the noise was, and I told her bullshit because I heard it through my car. She then claimed how could I hear it over the sound of my engine...replied very f**king easily! Then I just left it alone & got in my car, getting her rego would have been pointless really. People like that are really f**ked up, I hope I see the massive bitch again somewhere though. It's all principle, man. Checked under some proper light & it's just like a stone chip really & easy to touch up, but f**king annoying I have to, and that it's the second time in that place my car has got damage like this!! Not parking there ever again. It sounded a lot worse than what it was, and when you know it's a door hitting the car I thought it would be worse because of how loud it was. Moral of this rant - Fat bitches with no respect for anyone should be shot & used to feed half of 3rd world countries. The end.
  11. I'm getting messages from commonwealth bank about confirming details & shit at the moment, but you can tell from the sending address it's bs (hopefully not many people believe it), and the link to click just looks made up. But they go straight into the junk folder so I don't worry about it When I log onto netbank it comes up with a message regarding all the scam emails as well, so people must be trying pretty damn hard. I got one from them that I thought was a scam, but it was actually real. Said my account has been limited as they had reason to believe a third party had tried to access it. I thought it was going to be a scam until I went onto paypal & seen it actually was limited. Had to reset passwords etc but it's back to being all good now. Only have it for ebay stuff really & I have like $2 in there, but weird to think someone somewhere has tried to get in to try & get some of my details.
  12. Sexing imminent..... Seen at least 5 cop cars with people pulled over last night & today, back to normal now.... 3 marked (1 paddy wagon), white commodore & a black WRX
  13. The point of cruises is for the cars to stay largely together, going through Northbridge on a weekend night, that's just not possible. And yes then there is the danger of so many pedestrians walking around. Hell I even went through there one night, me with ANGR33 right behind me, for all of about a minute before she got held up. And then someone kicked her car for no reason. I would say you don't want that to happen to yours, or anyone elses car for that matter. Not saying it will or won't happen, but it's not worth the hassle. Imports get enough attention as it is, considering through Northbridge now there are cops just about everywhere, all it would take would be one or two people to rev up their engine for shit to start going down. I guess my point is yes you can do it, but it's just not logical! As a member of the SAUWA committee I would be willing to put my hand up to jump on board with those people willing to organise a monthly cruise to help organise & run them, if you are that keen to have them run as a SAUWA cruise, but that will be an ongoing discussion & nothing is certain yet. Remember there is nothing wrong with organising & running a monthly cruise from the SAUWA events section on SAU, but the only difference is that it's not under the SAUWA name or the SAUWA cruise rules. If someone does want to organise a cruise for the 19th or 20th I should be able to attend as well & see how it goes & how committed people are to running it on a monthly basis, and then it will be discussed & taken from there. Cheers Nathan
  14. Driving through Northbridge at night for a cruise = words cannot express the fail. The cruise would be broken up at every roundabout, intersection, people coming out of car parks, everything.
  15. Went through a booze bus at about 7:30pm last night, cop at the back radioed ahead for them to "check out the skyline". Drove up to the front of the line, did the test then the cop walked around the car checking the tyres. Didn't come back to the window for a bit, then came up & told me to park it up on the grass off the road. Got my license & walked away, then about 3 cops come around my car & the chick one told me to turn it off & pop the bonnet. Did that & they all stick their torches in looking everywhere, then one of them walked away to go get a boss of theirs. Comes up straight away pointing out what everything is & has a look around, then asks me to get out of the car. He asked why my front bar wasn't reinforced & that it sounded hollow, so then I started tapping on the reinforcement bar & told him that's where it is. The hollow sound would be maybe cos it's fibreglass?? Also heard the same chick mention my front tyres seemed a bit low. Problem is they are about 2 months old & in great condition. Massive fail for her. Then moved onto the engine bay & pointed out a couple of loose wires that aren't connected which is fair enough but all I have to do is unclip them so that wasn't a drama, then he asked me about my permits. Gave him those, my engineering certificate & another DPI paper I have & they go over them. At this point I was thinking oh f**king great, sticker #3 on the way for doing nothing wrong, then he said "Finally, someone who has done everything properly". He then explained to the recruits that "cars like this need these" (permits), and that's what they looked like. Didn't get a yellow sticker which saved me having to probably start abusing them & tell them to shove their pay rise up their arse if that's the way they are going to treat people. Seems I was used as a learning experience for the new recruits
  16. Yeah I can totally picture a cop pulling someone over for drink driving, then giving them a caution & send off the summons later. Enjoy the rest of your drive home mate. It's just more media bullshit blown up really, if you're doing like 10-20 over they will prob pull you over but instead of fining you tell you you're a idiot & let you go on your way. If you're doing 50 over then they will probably tow your car anyway, but if not you would still go to the court & go through the process anyway. The funny thing I find is that the cops have said they will stop giving out traffic fines so the government gets the message about how much money they won't recieve by them doing it. Just proves yet again it's about money & not "saving lives" as claimed, just too bad most of the public still won't realise that. You're a weak kunt, me veyron does over 400 aye
  17. Takes some balls to do something like that
  18. Yeah even though it seems the vs was driving like a dickhead, you were following too close behind the car in front of you so they won't have any liability for it. Just hope there's not too much damage from it
  19. Madness. Dodgy pants & an even dodgier singlet. Ahem yeah, a true idiot to be caught 6 times, but overall this will mean f**k all. The media have hyped it up so much that "hoons" seem to be the priority target, when as I see it, the hoon laws since they have come in haven't made any difference to how people were before they were introduced. As Keef said, the punishment needs to fit the crime. Even though this guy seems to be completely stupid when it comes to driving, there are other steps they should have taken in the other occasions before it's come to this now.
  20. Decide who you want tuning it, and then decide on which ECU from there for your needs.
  21. Yeah no shit, he's not even onto the limiter yet
  22. Personally I'd drive it & they can just sit in the passenger seat. But I don't see anything wrong with what he did as long as it was kept in the limits of the roads & conditions
  23. Yippee ki yay motherf**ker! /thread
  24. That looks pretty good, might have to look at getting something like that because both of mine are pretty worn out
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