^ I wouldn't do that under any circumstances, he must really have issues if it made you start that. Midnite33, as said just try talking it over with her, but otherwise call the cops & ask for advice of what to do. Explain the car situation to them & instead of being arseholes & making you get tested they should do their job & tell you what you're rights are.
I won't have any problems ever with my car, the exhaust is super freaky why-the-hell-is-it-like-that quiet. Sometimes you can barely hear it idling, and if there is another car next to it you can't hear it. Makes my life better because it gets no attention at all really, I get passed by civics/lancers/mirages etc, and they probably have a louder exhaust then me. Also lets other people think I've got nothing because it doesn't sound loud, but they don't see the possibilty of built engine, gt30 & external gate :thumbsup:
But if nothing else works.....
Start stealing her mail, follow her around a bit to get her routine, see where she shops etc, then one day break into her unit & steal her spare key. Then every 3rd day or so when she's out go into her unit, move a couple of things around her room & leave the door slightly open when you leave. Occasionally if you hear her in the shower just scratch & tap the window a little bit. Breathe heavily if the window is open a little bit for added effect. She will be so shit scared she's being stalked you won't hear anything from her again, probably because she's moved hundred's of k's away from you.