Is it just me, or is it really sad that someone from Australian f**king Idol singing at a CAR show like this? And even worse that they feature it?
Jesus wept, honestly.
RIP joking on the forums...
Welcome Kev, searching the forums for things you are interested in finding out won't leave you dissapointed This goes for WA based questions & the various sections as well.
That's what I've got, I have some good ideas for some plates I would get if I wanted to, up to 9 letters in WA FTW!! My state plates are half decent anyway, ends in 000 One of my mates ends in 033 on his, good timing or what?
If your Nan has died & you really want to spend it on a car, spend it on it so that there is less chance you will be joining her in the ground & spend it on quality brakes, suspension etc....
Personally I'd buy a house with it.
wgmg is fellow Sauwa'ers'ys thinking they spot you on Reid Hwy doing 130 when you're actually sleeping that afternoon, and then make me paranoid & stop me from drinking my beer.
Ant best of luck with the new job, good that you will be able to make it back every now & then too. I'll get to see you off on Wednesday too anyway, but have fun back home!
Cheers Nathan