Did you get their details? Both of them sound like the "I am above the law" type of cops. They do need a warrant, reasonable suspicion or your permission to search through your car. Obviously it's just sensible to allow them that permission though. As for the dismantling the car on the side of the road, he was dribbling shit, it's practically vandalism what he's describing.
If they were being smart arses & you could pretty much tell they are going to sticker you, I will make it as hard for them as possible, and I wouldn't hesitate in pissing them off if they aren't showing me respect. If they respect me I'll respect them, it's a 2-way street when it comes to police & public from my point of view. By then I would have already stopped them talking, telling them the conversation is going to be recorded & to start the conversation over, starting with their rank & names.
Definitely stupid bit I've heard of one case a guy at a shopping centre came back to his car with the sticker on the windscreen & paperwork under the wiper blade....definite WTF moment if that ever happened