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Everything posted by ossie_21

  1. And what do you think the ramifications will be if he puts it into a tree at about 80kph? Drifting, he is talking about
  2. Yes they did have drift training, using both skidpans. The drifting they have come down on that you're referring to is during the actual driver training days..
  3. I'm sure he knew what you meant, winds himself up pretty tight on here. Nic, chiiillllllll bbrrrooooooooo! For individuals, Sam (slydr) has a place with an area like what you need but from what I remember there is buses & all sorts of things being stored there but it's probably the same situation. But there is no harm in asking because some people could have a big, open area at their work... But if not, the Barbagallo nights might just have to do! They did also have drift lesson sessions at the AHG driver training centre, but since RAC took over I doubt they still happen
  4. I love it how out of touch the government is when it comes to any issue to do with roads It's really fantastic I can't wait to lose my license for 3 fines of 9-19kph over Go Aussie Go
  5. +1 for Levi! Bought a print of one of the pics by his camera taken by his mate in the passenger seat next to my car on the sauwa/silviawa cruise last month, looks sweet just have to get it framed
  6. Sounds good, might have to come down for a look
  7. Show some respect
  8. Yes my son?
  9. First step would be to look at the photo, and if you are changing lanes like you said it has been proven that changing lanes at the time does give an incorrect reading. If you are moving closer to the camera it increases the speed & vice versa. But it in that situation & with no demerits involved if I was you I would only fight it if there is something showing up in the photo (another car within shot or changing lanes), and even then I'd only do it by getting in touch with the issuing officer (to do with speed camera fines, the name on the fine)
  10. Yeah probably has diamond tickets then, but who knows after all he does work in security All I know is he can't wait for it, as I'm sure you can't either!
  11. A mate of mine is amped to get over there, front row tickets too I think, he's the biggest UFC fan out of anyone I know. Bisping v Silva should be eepppiiiiccccccc
  12. Ross I'd guess at an XR6 turbo... I think the rule is pretty much the same as radar detectors, not illegal to have just illegal to use But as said they are mostly wank factor anyway, but nothing wrong with 10/20 seconds if you really want to be on the safe side. My old 33 didn't have one in the 4 1/2 years I owned it & I didn't have any issues, I just left it idling while I sorted my shiz
  13. If you want anything to hold up in court you need to tell them
  14. Was probably just put on the outside I guess, if it was true
  15. Did you get their details? Both of them sound like the "I am above the law" type of cops. They do need a warrant, reasonable suspicion or your permission to search through your car. Obviously it's just sensible to allow them that permission though. As for the dismantling the car on the side of the road, he was dribbling shit, it's practically vandalism what he's describing. If they were being smart arses & you could pretty much tell they are going to sticker you, I will make it as hard for them as possible, and I wouldn't hesitate in pissing them off if they aren't showing me respect. If they respect me I'll respect them, it's a 2-way street when it comes to police & public from my point of view. By then I would have already stopped them talking, telling them the conversation is going to be recorded & to start the conversation over, starting with their rank & names. Definitely stupid bit I've heard of one case a guy at a shopping centre came back to his car with the sticker on the windscreen & paperwork under the wiper blade....definite WTF moment if that ever happened
  16. Raise money, do very little else.
  17. Pretty sure that's your answer to everything.... Lyell can you replace that light globe in the lounge room? "Yeah, I'll smash an RB30 up there"
  18. If it helps at all, I don't work for them.
  19. Yeah I'm pretty sure everyone understands it's a tuning tool above everything else, though you can see the power loss throughout the cars is pretty even ~300hp cars are mid 200's, ~400hp cars are in the 300's, 2 very noticeable differences was Bart's GTR & Mikey's GTS-4, down about 150hp on what they have done on other days. There's always a downside to lovely pool & beer weather
  20. Heaps of people today, was good to see a big turnout, thanks for coming down everyone & thanks to the Autoworx crew for having us I think the only sunburn I got today was on the back of my neck... Although I can't see it so I don't know, so if I can't see it, it's not there. Sunburn free day woo!
  21. Time to get down there...then go home for a swim....then go back. Living 5 minutes away ftw
  22. That's why I asked about the set-up on the last page, I know the big ass fan put in front of the car would bring the intake temp down a bit but just seeing what the go is. I'd be more scared for those doing the driver training on Saturday though
  23. Yeah Josh up here or a link to the gallery if it can be linked that way, either would be sweet
  24. Quick question, is the dyno in it's own room or open to the workshop? Gonna be a hot one this weekend
  25. Nice pics Levi! Will send you an email regarding a couple of those pics to get printed up Also is there any chance of getting some of those by email in a higher res?
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