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Everything posted by Wardest

  1. Wardest

    Illegal Drags

    I'd never underestimate anything with a T66 mate. (BTW: I wasn't actually having a dig there bro) As for Leewah's best time I think he pulled an 11:6 once but then remarked he'd left the handbrake on and that his clutch slipped in each gear. I hear these problems have since been rectified. :bahaha:
  2. Wardest

    Illegal Drags

    I'm with you mate, can I ride along? I'd like to see what the back of Leewah's GT-R looks like on the track for 10ish seconds as well.
  3. Yeah man, get into that. Then ppl can stick 'em in there and they'll be easy to find.
  4. Wardest

    Illegal Drags

    Hey Gordo, I agree with everything you've said mate. I really do but I think being picked on by the cops for various things goes with the territory of owning an import and there's little we can do about it. If ppl wanna race their cars in one way or another there are legal avenues for them to take. Sure there are precious few but that is a reality we have to put up with. Personnaly i'm not fussed because i'll never race my car at all. For those who do wanna race tho, go to the legal events at Calder, Heathcote etc. If its not viable or affordable to do so then I gotta say that's a hard luck case. I like firing guns and there are only a handful of places I can do it legally. If I chose to fire my gun in the street with other like minded criminals ( that'd be what I'd be just like the illegal races) I would expect the police to cotton on. Just like the racers, I have two choices, legal or illegal. I think the impact of illegal cars and events is being reduced for others. No one has said we can't drive imports, just that we can only drive lightly modded ones. If we were free to mod our cars how we wished and race our cars anywhere more ppl would wind up on slabs in the morgue. ( or being hosed off the road ) Sure some ppl are gonna do it anyway but the only way to catch those few is to cast a wide net. Those of us who've obeyed the law will be thrown back.
  5. Wardest

    Illegal Drags

    At the risk of stating something we've all heard before: If you're not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about. However that is off topic slightly. We all know imports get targeted by police. Everytrime we go out on the road we run the risk of a vehicle inspection or an RBT etc, mostly due to our car. I'll prolly get flamed for this but I'm getting kinda tired of hearing ppl voice their annoyance at the unwanted police attention we get or the fact they got a canary or EPA notice. We all know it happens, hell, its almost expected now. Everytime we hear about it happening it only serves to stir up bad blood between the cops and ourselves. If ppl think canaries and epa notices are so abhorrent, DON"T DRIVE ILLEGAL CARS AND STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ILLEGAL MEETS. THE COPS CAN"T TOUCH YOU THEN. Imports have gained a bad image in the public eye for the same reasons that modified VLs or any other domestic has. Newsflash guys, its not the cars its the DRIVERS. If we wanna have our image cleaned up we need to avoid any sort of criminal behaviour. NO ILLEGAL MODS, DRIVING OR MEETS. Then, those that indulge in this behaviour will end up driving a legal car in a legal manner, in jail, without a license, or dead. Let natural selection take care of the losers and then with them off the roads the rest of us will reap the rewards.
  6. I notice the white 33 with the huge wing features prominantly in that series. Got any of anything else? Mine for example
  7. Well, all you gotta do is drag you carcass back down here bro and you're in.
  8. I wanted to go on the Exclusive cruise but I was driving the porcelain bus yesterday after making friends with a bottle of Smirnoff on Saturday night.
  9. Nice work Ash, Thanks heaps for organising Friday nite. Top Job all round. Just a shame I wasn't able to go the whole way. Did everyone else soil themselves when we rolled past the booze bus just before the Kew Blvd? That was pretty damn annoying. I had a headlight out so I was sure they'd spot it and nail me. Luck was on my side tho. Al: Post all your pics if you haven't already Evil: Cheers for the word on the busted headlight man, I went straight off an replaced it.
  10. Like I said, stay tuned ( ha ha ) and wait to see what ICE comes up with.
  11. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong but I have it from a VERY reliable source that ICE Performance will be getting a Dyno soon. That will be a huge boost ( pardon the pun ) Not that it really answers ya question Max but I thought you might like to know.
  12. Back In July I was a passenger in car coming back to Townsville from further north and the driver was done by a radar gun at 94 just after the limit dropped from 100 to 80. The cop dropped it to 92 and thus the penalty was only 1 point and $100. Rather than 3 points and $250 i think if the cop wanted to be serious. I'm from Melbourne and I thought if we were in Victoria, at 14 km/h over the limit, the driver would have been cactus.
  13. James, do you mean a law preventing them from ganking our badges or a law allowing us to pound them when we catch them? In fact I think a law allowing grevious bodily harm on anyone under 16 is a good idea. It'd save me from having to go to prison when all these court case I've been summond to are over. I hate kids. :hellpisd: :hellpisd: :hellpisd:
  14. Wardest

    My New Car :-)

    Thanks for clearing that up. GTG boys. Its been fun. Enjoy the new ride Zdenko. Nissan make a great engine don't they?
  15. Wardest

    My New Car :-)

    So is it Greek or Leb? I see someone has an identity crisis. That might explain all the hot air.
  16. Wardest

    My New Car :-)

    I'm actually allegic to peanuts It'd be the only big thing you've got anyway. Your behaviour cleary typifies you as a short man with below average IQ. I can reccomend a therapist if you think you need one.
  17. Wardest

    My New Car :-)

    We are obviously not dealing with a mental giant here guys. Muzz, I would retort but I'm afraid I'd my loquatious response would not be monosyllabic enough for you to comprehend. I will not inflict my university educated intellect upon what I can only assume, is you yr 10 basic education. And before you think of something typically asinine the say please think first.
  18. Wardest

    My New Car :-)

    Whoa....., simmer down there JNR24. No need to fly off the handle. Go back to your drink mate. Isn't it obvious they came in here looking for a fight? Sure they open their mouths without thinking but i thought we'd all be used to that from domestic drivers by now.
  19. Wardest

    My New Car :-)

    Now in English please mate:D In all honesty Bro, I hope you enjoy your new ride. Congrats. I doubt I'll ever get to see it tho.
  20. Wardest

    My New Car :-)

    Aren't those yellow VL turbos ex-police cars?
  21. Wardest

    My New Car :-)

    I see a few ppl have mistaken this forum for MCCR. You guys with the Holdens: this is Skylines Aust. Feel free to stay but I whats the point of dumping on our choice of cars in our forum? You're hardly painting a good pic of Holden drivers, in fact, you are just reinforcing our point, that most of them are close minded yobbos, for us. You know your engine is a NIssan powerplant so why the hypocritical rhetoric? Its like me putting a GEN 3 V8 in my R33 and goin on LS1 forums and saying all their cars are useless.
  22. Area: Toorak. Location: Toorak Rd between Monash Freeway and Glenferrie Rd heading East ( inbound to city ) If you are gonna take this stretch of Toorak Rd, take the right lane, the left is a mess.
  23. Wardest

    Mas Dvd

    Mee 2 and Mee 3
  24. This kinda worries me. I'm hoping like hell that I don't get done. I was always careful to stick to the limits thru towns but you know how ya speed always creeps up? I'm worried coz I either drive at the speed limit or,on the rare occasion I exceed it, I destroy it. So if I get done, I'll get done BADLY!!!!. Hopefully I'm ok tho. If one hasn't arrived by now, its unlikely to. What do you guys reckon? I know I just granmared the car thru Torquay. Is that where this one happened?
  25. Yeah I signed up also. Not gonna go to the Drive in thing but it can't hurt to expand the network.
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