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Everything posted by Wardest
No one drives my car but me. I don't car who it is or what "rewards" I may get, the seat on the right is for my arse only. I work too long and hard to own and maintain it and I'm not gonna risk anyone else mistreating it at all. I don't mean that they might smash it but they may ride the clutch, grind the gears or not warm it up. The list of things important to me reads like this. 1) Family 2) Mates 3) Job 4) Skyline 5) Everything else The only reason my job rates above the car is that without it, there'd be no car. One day I may meet a girl whom I'm prepared to slot in between Job and Skyline but she's gonna have to be incredibly special.
What didn't I do? Well actually I stayed with mate who was up there for a 2 month vacation. Accom was free so that helped. His cousin was up there as well, home from Uni so we just hung around. Went out at night heaps. Theres something hell fun about going nuts when you're 2000kms from home. Went to Island for a night, to Taylors Beach for a night. I hadn't had a decent vacation for ages so I really just kicked back. However I spose if I had to stay for more than 2 weeks I may get a bit antsy.
Townie rocked my world when I was up there in July. Had so much fun it should have been illegal. Planning to go back next year and this time stay longer than one nite on Magnetic Island.
So the rumours are true mate, you are actually coming back.
Its wierd place that. During the day its full of Rangies, Porches, Benzos and Beemers. There are more latte sipping toffs than the English house of Lords and even a pack of chewie in the news agent costs $10. However at night it becomes Muzza central as someone told them all it was fullier sicker than the Metro.
No we're not. We know you don't like any of us
Not at all. The drive up there is great.:burnout:
Now we're presented with a odd dichotomy. Have club meet to get the ball rolling or go to Heathcote to race and watch. hmmmmmm. I dunno what to do, is it possible to combine the two I wonder?
Oooohhhhhhh "kunt", the universal unit of personage. I see now, sorry bout that man. "So we get us kunts to come and then more kunts will join. Soon we'll meet other kunts that know them kunts who ring their kunts to cruise in with even more kunts" We'll just be a bunch of kunts." Kinda sounds like the the way the VL boys from Narre Warren describe one of their meets. ;)
Pardon my naivety but what on earth is a "skyline kent?"
Seeing as you'll prolly get a whole lotta "Sorry, can't make it" replies, I'd like to be the second person to respond affirmatively. Not only that but my response is an enthusiastic "OH HELL YEAH, I"LL BE THERE!!!!! Then, if the meeting isn't already somewhere like Goldfingers, i say we go there anyway. Just to keep the mood festive.
Yeah, the whole car as bait thing is a bit problematic. Firstly someone needs to volunteer their ride. Secondly, ppl have to stake it out. Thirdly, the No Talent Arse Clowns who do smash and grab jobs would scope the car out over a series of nights so ppl would have to wait around for a while. My reccomendation is that we all carry bats etc. When we spot someone breaking into a car we just pound 7 shades of shite out of them. Pretty soon car thieves will stop because they are all in hospital, in wheel chairs or just too scared to commit more crimes for fear they will get caught in the act by us and pounded.
You, that is, don't bite you. Some dog owners seem to live under the delusion that because they've never been savaged by their own dog, it isn't agressive. I've lost count of how many times a dog owner has said "Go on, pat him. He won't bite" Right before I'm off to the docs for stiches and a tetanus shot. Don't get me wrong Dox, I know i'm generalising here and I am not inferring all owners are irresponsible. I just have a chip on my shoulder due to a few to many nasty dog incidents when i was young. I apologise if i caused any offence.
I know exactly where you're talking about. Perhaps we could use a Liner as bait, stake it out and wait for them. But not mine of course:D
Dude, BB guns are illegal no matter what. Air rifles are legal with the appropriate license. Remember when you could mail order them from catlogues at the back of People magazine? I'm after the full scale ( correct weight ) replica BB guns which shoot the little yellow plastic balls. They're almost indistinquishable from the real thing and they rock. http://www.airsoftextreme.com/store.html
You've tried it have you? And if you are able to get such things, hook me up with a BB gun. I can't seem to find anyone who can get them. For that matter, anyone who knows how I can get a BB gun on the low low, PM me. I know they're illegal but then so is parking in "No Standing" areas and we all do that occasionally.
You know where I live man, swoop me up we'll go hunting. I bet it was some of the urchins from the Housing Commission flats near you.
I'm not posting them.
You'd have thought so but they were new back in Feb and only had bout 500km on them.( I didn't drive it further than 5 kms from my house ever ) The car had heaps of grip in the dry, I'd chucked it round in humanly in the dry and it never even squeaked. But as soon as it rains, it would leap out sometimes taking a corner at as little as 30 km/h. The spot I lost it on was only a bend in the road.
Thanks man. I don't think the car suffered much. It died on impact I think.
An old 1974 Corolla. Kinda ironic. I don't like taking the Liner out in the wet for reasons of traction and for fear of stacking it, then I annhiliate the other one.
Had my first smash yesterday. Thankfully it was in my daily driver and not the Skyline. Was cruising over to a mates place to return his camera and d'load the pics from the Portsea Drive day on Sat. Drove the same route I take everytime I go over. The old story applies here. It was wet, an old car and I wasn't careful enough. Despite thinking I was extra careful I rounded a right bend in the road and the back boots just let go. I over corrected and the treads got traction at the wrong moment for a split second and I spun. Did a full 180 degrees and got up close and personal with a roadside organic. The car bent itself around the tree and ended up jammed beween the road and tree on a dodgy angle. I hit my head on the door frame and pushed the drivers side door out when my shoulder hit it. The car hit the tree where the drivers door hinges so a foot or so back and I'd have been tasting bark. The windscreen and window popped out and I got covered in glass but only got a few cuts. I rang the parents and my mate whom I was visting. He lived a 25 second walk from the scene so he came round. He found me still in car with glass all over me. We got a few pics of me in the car and of it being towed away. Considering everything, I'm damn lucky. Without the tree I'd have rolled the car and could have end up with nasty gashes or broken bones if the tree hit differently. A towie came and hauled off the car. End of story. No insurance nightmare, we just write it off.
What the hell is an "OBEHAVE"
Yeah I'll be there 7:30 in the Rolla. The Corolla that is hahahahaha
A person’s opinion on how much power they want is proportional to how much they have. For example. When Leewah first got his WRX he was happy with it for a while. Then he started to lust after more power, so he grabbed the GT-R and his was enough to quell his lust for a few months. Then he began to explore options for jacking the car’s output up. Gradually over the course of 2 odd years the car has grown into the behemoth we know it as today. He may correct me if I’m wrong here but he is still looking to squeeze more out of the car. Most of us would agree that they want more power, of these; most will actually go out and get it. However it’s a special kind of bloke, whose appetite for power and speed is never satiated, that seeks out a car with weapons grade tuning potential like a GT-R and exploits that potential to the fullest. My answer to the question of “how much is enough power?” is “How much power are you gonna choose to achieve?” Because while not all of us will seek to turn our cars into road missiles, I think we’d all like more from them…….., well, wouldn’t we?